Yum Or Yuck?

YUM! Made some at the weekend.

Cakey (and type of cakey except Carrot cake :vom: and Coffee and Walnut cake:vom:)

Apple crumble. I have at last found out how my MIL made it through trial and error which I would have crawled over a thousand miles of broken glass to get to its that yum! All she would tell me was she made it no different to everyone else!
OOO YUM YUM! When I was growing up there was a place in Winchester that made fresh doughnuts and you could see them being made and fried. To get fried they would along a little conveyor belt in a bath of hot oil and when they got to the end of one bath there was something that tipped them onto the other side and then they went on their little swim again until they got to the end of the 2nd bath and then they were tipped into the sugar. Then the now fried doughnuts would be picked up, put on spikes and have jam squirted into them. It was quite fascinating to watch.
