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yellow wee

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ive noticed this morning milo's wee is extremely yellow? is this normal
Yep just like our own urine can be that colour. If it was a pinky shade or had blood in it I would be concerned. Yellow is fine. :)
i just come back from the vet i rushed him there to be safe. his got slight diarrhea it turns out it wasnt wee it was poop! they weighed him and his just under 1 kilo. they gave me some liquid feed and told me to siringe feed him today and tomorow to build him up a bit to try and harden his poops and to lay off the greens a bit. they checked him for mites ect which was my other concern and his fine all in all his a healthy piggy.
but they also noticed he was walking and draggin his legs. i noticed it before and i thought it was cause he was being lazy ;D but they think his got a pelvis problem what he was more then likely born with. :'( :'(
Oh the poor little thing. Well done on getting him to the vet quickly. Hope he will be ok. :smitten:
thanks me to. they did say i could have a xray to check his pelvis i might get one next week. but there pretty certain he his a bad pelvis. it cant be fixed they pulled him about alot and his not in pain so thats a good thing :)
Oh Milo :'( :'( you do seem to get yourself into trouble don't you little one :'(
Gosh you must've panicked well done for taking him to the vets, i would've too O0
awwwwwwww dam it pelvic probs, perhaps you should post and see what Mary or Lorna or Fi says but i think they might advise vitamins ? ?
Sending healing wheeks and gentle cuddles from us both for little Milo :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
well done for getting him to the vets so quickily. O0 :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: hoping milo gets better and that the x ray shows all is normal. sending hugs :smitten:
:smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-*
awww poor Milo, hope hes feeling better, and i hope xrays show hes fine :smitten:
Glad he's ok!

Girls...what about if their wee is very cloudy...I've tried adding more cucumber into their diet but they still seem to have cloudy pee...what can I do?
Cozmo said:
Glad he's ok!

Girls...what about if their wee is very cloudy...I've tried adding more cucumber into their diet but they still seem to have cloudy pee...what can I do?

sometimes it can be because of too much calcium in their diet i think, but sometimes their wee will look cloudy when its dried :)
Hmmm no its definately still wet....how can I decrease their calcium intake? I only give them fresh fruit and veg and they are on Supa Guinea Excel pellets.
Cozmo said:
Hmmm no its definately still wet....how can I decrease their calcium intake? I only give them fresh fruit and veg and they are on Supa Guinea Excel pellets.

some veg is high is calcuim, no need to reduce veg and fruit completly just the ones high in calcuim such as spinach :)
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