Would you rather......?

Lunch as breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

Would you rather have to hop or skip?
Skip as the average person can skip for much farther than hoping and for a longer time period.

Would you rather have kids or pets?
Kids of course, but I remember a conversation at work when I was pregnant about how much I wanted pets, and them thinking I'd be happy with the baby. Luckily pets followed too!

Would you rather feel sick eating your nemesis hated food, or tell your host?
Tell my host. In fact I'd tell her/him what I didn't/couldn't eat beforehand.

Would you rather have an item delivered or pick it up yourself?
Difficult one I'd like to eat healthy but certainly wouldn't want to live forever. So I guess it's have treats and not live forever.

Would you rather give a present or receive a present?
Difficult one I'd like to eat healthy but certainly wouldn't want to live forever. So I guess it's have treats and not live forever.

Would you rather give a present or receive a present?

would you rather be up early or sleep in?
Up early.

Would you rather have a weekend away with your best friend or a weekend away with your OH?
Well, Reader... I married him (and actually 21 years ago this week)

Would you rather have a massive telly and a massive belly or a little telly and a little belly?
Pretend open gas fire.
I love a real open fire but they’re messy to clean out.

A beach holiday or a mountain holiday
A beach holiday as I can't climb mountains anymore because of my dodgy knees!

Would you rather receive flowers or chocolates?
Sunny weekend hiking, it's what I did with my weekends pre-parenthood, rain, hail or shine.

Would you rather be able to travel to the past or the future?
Meet The Queen as she's done and seen so much she'd be really interesting to chat with.

Would you rather see or be seen?
Royalty definitely, I want them golden carriages and caviar..

Would you rather be able to run fast or have the gift of the gab?