Would you rather......?

Spend time with the piggies

Would you rather wear a nightie or pyjamas?

This old fireside song from my Girl Guiding days has the answer!

I wear my frilly nightie in the Summer when it's hot
I wear my pink pyjamas in the Winter when its not
And sometimes in the Spring time and sometimes in the Fall
I jump into my little bed with nothing on at all!
That's the time you ought to see me
That's the time you ought to see me
That's the time you ought to see me
When I jump into my little bed with nothing on at all!
Take a nap
I’m a bit of a night owl

Would you rather have a main meal at lunch or evening
Cheese baguette as long as it was with onion marmalade.

Would you rather learn how to knit or how to sew?