Would you rather......?

Ooh definitely a spider, imagine all those wriggly legs on a centipede 😱

Would you rather be prime minister or mayor?
Long hair past my bum, my quarantine hair is already that long…

Would you rather have more time or more money?
An extra arm. I always have so much to do that an extra hand on the end of that arm would be very er ... handy!

Would you rather eat cake forever or chocolate forever?

when you've done your weekly veg shop and there is not enough room in the fridge do you leave out some of the piggies' veg or the piggy size marble tiles?
Talk to animals. Though they do talk to us, we just have to listen 🥰
But it would sure make vet visits easier if they could say exactly what was wrong!

Would you rather spend a day out at the theme park, or a day out at the zoo?
If somewhere like Whipsnade where the animals have plenty of room, then definitely a zoo trip.

Would you rather camp in Yellowstone National Park with bears or swim on the Great Barrier Reef with sharks?
The ocean scares me, but I've always found sharks fascinating, so the barrier reef I think.

Would you rather be a doctor or a lawyer?
Aerobics class, not really a choice, I'm sure I'd collapse in a spin class..

Would you rather have a million pound a year budget for travel or for clothes?
For travel, I really could care less about clothes 😂

Would you rather have telekinesis (the ability to move things with your mind) or telepathy (the ability to read minds)?
Telekinesis, I don't want to notice everyone thinking yes your bum looks big in that!

Would you rather have fish and chips on a sunny beach or fine dining in a restaurant?
Fine dining in a restaurant.

Would you rather take pills for pain or see an acupuncturist?
Apple pie with custard everytime. Gotta love a bit of custard (unless it was cold, solid, school custard which was :vom:!)

Would you rather go to bed late or get up early?
A Neurosurgeon cos then I could say well it is brain surgery!

Would you rather tidy your house or tidy your garden!
I'd love a chameleon, I love seeing geckos on holiday.

Would you rather go out on a sailing boat on a lovely day or take a submarine trip to a coral reef?
I'd rather win an Olympic medal if I didn't have to train for years, which is probably unlikely...

Would you rather win an Olympic gold medal or the lottery?
Olympic gold, as my sport means everything to me. Though a lottery win could mean more horses… 🤔

Would you rather be reincarnated as a cat, or a guinea pig?
Thought that might be a tricky question for you! I'd rather be a cat as piggies seem to have so many issues.

Would you rather work in the city or be a farmer?