Would you rather......?

Drive myself, unless driving on the other side of the road which I can't do.

Would you rather it was autumnal temperatures today, or 25 degrees?
Cold country - my husband would like to live in a hot country though!

Would you rather wash dishes or do the ironing
30, only time in my life I was a complete gym bunny lady 😂

Would you rather it was cold and sunny or warm and dull?
Gathering of close friends.

Would your rather make a meal for your family or go out for a meal with your family?
Both really.
I love cooking and entertaining but it’s also nice to go out with family and let someone else do the work.

Would you rather do housework or decorate a room
Evening meal.

Would you rather eat an oyster or a snail (escargot if we're being posh!)
Brass, love a brass band, played a baritone tuba at school

Would you rather go to live music or live comedy?
Speed dating, I think tiny bit less nerve wracking

Would you rather see the latest Bond film or have a voucher for a meal in a 5 star hotel?
Dress shopping as my feet are so awkward (high arch, high instep and VERY wide) it's a nightmare trying to find shoes to fit! If, by some miracle, I actually find something to fit my feet, I buy them straight away.

Would you rather build sandcastles or stay in a real castle?