Would you rather......?

Under otherwise the cream just slips off the jam! Would you put butter on the top of jam? I think not!

Would you rather a really strong Cheddar or a Red Leicester?
New York. It's on my Bucket List.

Would you rather work a day shift or a night shift?
Have to always eat ice cream. When I was about 19 doing a summer job hotel waitressing, I had ice cream sundae for most meals 😋🍧

Would you rather eat octopus or eat pig's ears?
Oh no! Not a good question for me 😂 I'd have to go pig's ears, as octopus sounds too icky to me 🤷‍♀️

Would you rather have to re-sit final high school exams, or go bungee jumping?
Resit final exams - no chance of me ever, ever bungee jumping

Would you rather go to a meeting in person or on Zoom
I was liking zoom, but it'd be a thrill now to be with real people.

Would you rather dance in your living room or a dance class?
In the living room where having 2 left feet and a different sense of rhythm to most people doesn’t matter

Would you rather see a tragedy or a comedy play
Sounds like me! Dance like nobody's watching and sing like nobody's listening!

A comedy play.

Would you rather see a film or go to the theatre?