Would piggies be warm enough

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maryh said:
I am afraid I feel that if you are unable to keep piggies inddoors as part of the family,you should not be keepimg them.Piggies react badly to big changes in temperature.,and the boars especially are inquisitive and like to have things going on around them.I do not see the point in keeping any animal outise in a shed or in a hutch,what can you possible get out of them.I am with my piggies most of the time and they amuse me,annoy me,worry me and there is constant reaction.I know straight away if one of my pigs has a problem,because I can tell my behaviour.I do not see how you can have this wonderful relationship with pigs kept away from the house.

Well I am unable to keep my two bars inside.
I have never kept piggies until about 7 months ago so still learning. I recsued two boars from not good conditions :'( we weren't keeping them we planned on rehoming them.
They were and still are on the rehome section the people that have asked about them thought a 4ft hutch would be too large for them >:( the only lady wanted to put them outside in a 3ft hutch, when I tod her that was too small she got really nasty..

We had about 5 people like that >:( myself and husband went out and bought them a shed, that was our Christmas present to each other.

So what do you suggest ? as you think I should't have animals in shed :-\( by the way also have 4 very happy rabbits in a large shed/enclosure..

I already have a lone boar in the house and two housebuns so can't have them in the house.
I also have to agree with PB ;)
I have mine outside cause my family hate animals inside the house :-\
Good on you for rescuing these pigs.If you cannot have them in the house,continue to keep them in the shed.They will be happier with you like that than being kept in a small hutch.

As I have said before,there are sheds and sheds.I have seen one or two that are excellent and trhe owners spent a great deal of time in the shed with the pigs.The shed I have in mind had a chair and a kettle for the owner,she spent hours in the shed.

I personally would not keep a piggy in a shed or hutch,but then I am lucky in having the space to be able to keep mine indoors.
Mine live indoors at the moment, i have 5 in a 6x4 C&C but the take up the whole spare room, i have just baught a 10x6 shed and paid for it to be insulated and electrics put into it, i didnt do this because i dont love my pigs and want them outside, i did it so they can have more space and i have a place to go to spend time with them rather than being crammed in a small room. If i were to keep my pigs indoors they would have to be in nero cages and i personally feel that they appreciate having a lot more space etc and still being warm a lot more than they'd appreciate being in a house, i personally feel that they will know no different because they have the window open and the heating off in that room anyway with the door shut. They will probably be warmer if anything.
Emma that's what I was trying to get across the fact that mine have a better quality of life in the shed than in a cage in the spare room....
maryh said:
I am just saying that you cannot bond as much with them.

Thats so not true, I've got a closer bond with all four :o of piggies than I have with any of my indoor animals.

I prefer to keep my pigs outdoors as thats more natural for them, they love being outside and unless they were ill I wouldn't even consider keeping them inside
I keep mine outside in a heated summerhouse. It wouldn't be fair to keep them in the house, due to 2 dogs and a toddler, plus i don't have much available space so they would be restricted to smaller cages.
By living in the summerhouse they have lots of space. I have 2 girls in a 8x2 run, I am in the process of bonding my other girls so they are in a 8x2 aswell but it has a divider in the middle.
People shouldn't feel guilty about keeping their piggies in a shed.
i'm out their twice a day in mine at least for 2 hours and some times i'm in thier on my laptop! not today as its pouring with rain and i'm drying out some cages in their as its to wet out side and everything is soaking! :(
but i feel they are outside animals have my two in the 'maternity' unit at mo in dining area but come spring and warmer weather and healthy bubs they will go outside in shed and then on to garden but we will see ;D :D ;D :D ;D
Gem x said:
maryh said:
I am just saying that you cannot bond as much with them.

Thats so not true, I've got a closer bond with all four :o of piggies than I have with any of my indoor animals.

I prefer to keep my pigs outdoors as thats more natural for them, they love being outside and unless they were ill I wouldn't even consider keeping them inside
same here although when i did have indoor piggies ;D
i dont think there is a right or wrong answer on where to keep your piggies, everybody has different circumstances; maybe no space indoors, other pets who can harm them, family not wanting the indoors and some members have 2 piggies whilst others have 30 etc etc no matter where the piggies are kept I'm sure we all love them and care for them just as much, maybe indoors have a better bond but then outdoor piggies may have more space.

This could go on forever and people are always going to have different opinions, i think the only thing which will ever be agreed is that all of us members on this forum care for and love our animals and do our best for them whether the are indoors or outdoors :)
Oh yeah i sooo agree with you O0 I have nothing more to say :o ;D
I think it depends on the outdoor circumstance and the time you have to devote to the pigs. Personally I think it's ridiculous to expect them to be comfortable outdoors with no shelter or in an unheated, uninsulated building. I have seen some fabulous sheds - insulated, glazed with electricity and heated. The people with such sheds also had a lot of spare time to spend with them. I don't see anything wrong with this at all - it's great if you have the time to come and go from your house.

I used to keep my pigs in an unheated extension to our house. They had the same level of care as my pigs do now but could not get the same attention - they weren't around when I was cooking, eating, watching television. I also had far more problems with URIs despite their accommodation being draught free and at least 5 degrees warmer than outside. It also got uncomfortable for me to spend extended periods of time with them in the winter. As a result of this I won't do it again. Even if I can't handle them for hours, when they're in my house they're always around. There's nothing "natural" about keeping them outside in the cold - they are a domestic species, not the ones that roam the Andes. My indoor pigs also have more space than my outdoor ones did so I don't think maryh is the only one making generalisations here.

With regards to keeping them outside in winter (no shed, no shelter) I think this is completely unacceptable. If I'm cold, they're cold.
I'm glad I started this thread because it's got me thinking, I don't spend enough time with the piggies :'(..
I've thought about bonding my two shed piggies with my lone boar house piggie ? I'm a bit nervous about bonding 3 boars do you think I should give it ago ?

I'm used to bonding rabbits but not guinea pigs ..
If you are confident enough Karen then I would try. I wasn't brave enough to do three of mine. What you have to take into consideration is your bonded two may fall out and if so have you the room to seperate all three.

I know people on here have done it but I think you have to weigh it all up. Good luck!
SunshineAndTwinkle said:
If you are confident enough Karen then I would try. I wasn't brave enough to do three of mine. What you have to take into consideration is your bonded two may fall out and if so have you the room to seperate all three.

I know people on here have done it but I think you have to weigh it all up. Good luck!

I'm not very confident at all :-\ I'll give it a go though ... I'm just looking at Zac now he's sitting on top of his little house having a good nose at the rabbits hoping past.. I feel he needs piggie company saying that though he didn't like his hutch mate that recently passed away :'( though so not sure what to do I'm very very confused ..
Have a look at cavy spirit Karen354, there is a section about bonding boars with very good advice :)

I live in a large flat and my 8 boars live with me in my sitting room. I was told by one rescue some time ago and I enquired about rehoming 2 boars that they wouldnt rehome to me because I didnt have a secure garden (I have a shared garden). I love having my piggies indoors with me and even when we move to a house next year, I will still keep them indoors. My boars are so confident and cheeky and take it in turns to wander around wherever they like. They come up to me to beg for treats or just jump on my lap when I am watching telly sitting on the floor.
I have admired many of the sheds on here and I know the owners have spent a lot of time and money insulating and heating it etc, these are great but dingy damp small sheds are a no no in my mind, so down to the individual IMO. As long as piggies are warm, loved and well cared for, then it is a matter of personal choice :)
Some of my piggies sit on my feet to beg for treats and will not move untill they get something!.It is my 3 largest boars who tend to do this.,and with one on each foot and the other tugging my trousers,it is difficult to move!They do not chew my trousers,they just tug ata them like a bell rope!.
Hi, brand new piggy person here.

I have 1 male guinea who is about 6 months old and 2 male rabbits (all kept separately).

I am getting 2 more male piggies this evening but wanted some advice.

I have 4 outdoor hutches - fair sized, a square run (approx 6 foot x 6 foot), a toblerone shaped run that is supposed to house hens (this has a run and also a little place to sleep/rest in). I also have a shed 12 x 6 which is not insulated - it has 3 windows.

I could home the piggies indoors if needed.

So, the question I need answering is - who should live where?

Should I put the 6 x 6 run in the shed and add a small house for them to sleep in? (am hoping to introduce 3 piggies gently so they can all live together).

I must admit I didn't realise some people thought it wasn't right to house the piggies outdoors (I do bring them in everyday for a run around on the sofa and they do have a run about in the run everyday - no piggies/rabbits together though - they take it in turns).

I have read that piggies shouldn't walk on wet grass too so I have been putting the run on paving slabs is this ok?

Thanks for any advice - I didn't realise there were quite a few do's and dont's and I am learning all the time.
Keep your piggies where you want. They must be dry, and out of the damp. I do not rehome to people that house guineas outside (as in not in a shed), I prefer sheds to be heated, mine is and none of my pigs at the moment are going to 'unheated' homes.

If they were mine I would put the hutches in side the shed and the run too, then look into getting some Cavy Caging set up in the shed- mine have this so they exercise at their own free will not mine :) Kitchen units and work tops are great for putting cavy cages on.

Guinea pigs like what they get used to in my opinion, as long as they have the basics- food, water, dry bedding, exercise etc they getused to where they live (hoovers/teles etc that are indoors) Its change that affects guinea pigs more than anything- so put an indoor pig in a shed and he won't be happy at first because he's not used it.

The living accomadation must suit you too, I wouldn't dream, of having my pigs indoors unless they had a room to themselves with no human smells/gadgets etc- and I wouldn't want to share my space with them- I like my space! My shed has electric, a heater, air con, water, a sink, units containing piggy stuff etc, but thats my choice and how I like things I'm not saying its the best or how pigs should be kept :) You need to choose that for you and your pigs because you are going to live with them and take care of them :)

I rehome pigs to live solely indoors (flats) and in outdoor sheds, in my opinion there's more to a home than that.

Dry slabs are fine, you are right about the wet grass :)

This is not black and white, as LavendarJade has implied there is a grey area and each case should be taken on its own merits in my opinion. Look at the options then you choose :)
Thank you for all that advice - will try to do my best for the piggies - this website/forum is excellent.
Forgot to say that sheds should be heated if you are using cavy caging because its open :)
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