Would piggies be warm enough

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Mar 22, 2007
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I have my two piggies in a 6x4 shed they also have their hutch inside to.
I was wondering if i could take the hutch out and put in a carrier full of hay/straw. I could then put in lots of toys and hidy holes, would they be warm enough ?
TBH I dont think I would just put them in a shed with no insulation (if thats what you are asking) but I am pretty sure some people have free range piggies with an uninsulated shed O0
i think its fine as people have hutches outside with no insulation so I'm sure a carrier case in a shed is ok O0
But surely hutches are built diff to sheds....and a small surface area in a hutch would provide waaaay more insulation than a big shed!?

Besides that - ion this weather I would never keep a piggy outside in just a hutch :)
I wouldnt think so really as sheds have lots of room and it is enclosed and a hutch there is just a small bedding area where the wind cans till get to it :-\

I know a few people with hutches outside with their piggies in and it is very cold for them :)
I am afraid I feel that if you are unable to keep piggies inddoors as part of the family,you should not be keepimg them.Piggies react badly to big changes in temperature.,and the boars especially are inquisitive and like to have things going on around them.I do not see the point in keeping any animal outise in a shed or in a hutch,what can you possible get out of them.I am with my piggies most of the time and they amuse me,annoy me,worry me and there is constant reaction.I know straight away if one of my pigs has a problem,because I can tell my behaviour.I do not see how you can have this wonderful relationship with pigs kept away from the house.
so what you are saying is that you disagree with people who have their piggies in a shed then ?

I have mine in a shed and they get lots of attention and just because they are in a shed doesnt mean they are not loved as much as pigs who are indoors imo :)
I have to disagree maryh i have piggies in my shed and i get the same enjoyment as you do. >:(There's nothing better after having a bad day than sitting in my shed watching the piggies eating and running with excitment throught the new hay after cleaning them out. You shouldnt judge why people have piggies outside and not inside. :tickedoff:I wouldnt be able to have rescued the amount i have done without my shed. I am outside 3 times a day to feed and check on them no matter what the weather. They are loved and cared for no different than my two piggies indoors. They are indoors as my 4 year old piggies hasnt been well but she wont be going outside until the weather is warmer.
i think it all depends on peoples individual situations. i could never have outdoor pets and like all my pets to be inside and part of the family but i think alot of people can look after them just as well if they are in a shed :)
I am afraid I feel that if you are unable to keep piggies inddoors as part of the family,you should not be keepimg them.Piggies react badly to big changes in temperature.,and the boars especially are inquisitive and like to have things going on around them.I do not see the point in keeping any animal outise in a shed or in a hutch,what can you possible get out of them.I am with my piggies most of the time and they amuse me,annoy me,worry me and there is constant reaction.I know straight away if one of my pigs has a problem,because I can tell my behaviour.I do not see how you can have this wonderful relationship with pigs kept away from the house.

I do agree in a perfect world....I cant imagine having mine outside in a shed or otherwise - thats why they its empty >:D ;D I love having them with me all the time, and their noises, their cute faces watching me :smitten: :smitten:

I think some people that have a lot of piggies, just dont have the space to keep them in the house, or maybe for hygine reasons they prefer to keep them outside?

Lets put it this way - I keep a fully made up cage in my bedroom (under my bed, so I can pull it out to use it) for if i feel down or icky, so i can bring my girlies up with me :smitten:

I def think that people that keep piggies inside have a much closer relationship with them, and the piggies are a lot braver, have more developed personalities, and arent as scatty - but I wouldnt like to say if you cant keep them inside you shouldnt own them.

Also depends on the owner...some people are always in their sheds!

One thing I dont agree with is just putting a hutch in the garden, or in an uninsulated shed. You need to be able to control the temperature imo.
Can I just ask ,when did people actually start keeping their piggies indoors as tbh until joining this forum I had never heard of it before just curious because people seem to be more and more anti keeping them outside.Mine are in a heated shed and I feel they get just as much attention as if they were indoors.When I go and spend time with them, it is solely piggy time. :)
OMG sammy same here ;D ;D

I have had hutches outside, cages inside and now my shed and the shed is the best of them all :)
i keep mine in the shed as they dont smell the house out as I'm very fussy about smell and pets in the house etc
I have always had mine inside since I was small!

Oscars cage used to be my original piggy Titches cage when i was about 6 :o ;D
I am not saying that outdoor piggies are not loved and cared for,the majority of them are.I am just saying that you cannot bond as much with them.

My pigs are not in the same room as my computor,but sitting here I can hear them.

There are sheds and there are sheds.I have seen some nice purpose built sheds,but I have also seen a lot of dark,damp ,dirty sheds.,and I have seen more of these than I have good ones.

I have been keeping gps for well over 25 years and I have always kept them indoors,I currently know more gp owners who keep their pigs indoors than outdoors.

My pigs do not smell the house out as they are cleaned out thoroughly every day,and I open windows when the weather is clement.

If pets in the house upset you,why do you keep them.?
i do agree that if they are indoors you can just peek into their cage when ever you want to, they are always there to nag you and for me i would find it do hard if they were outdoors. if mine were in a shed i dont think i would spend so much time with them, the nights when i come home tired after work i can just sit next to the cage and have a natter with them and make sure they have anything they need but i would be to tired to go into a shed to check on them all the time. :)
My piggies are outside in a "shed" tho' i would dearly love them in the house with me but we don't have a spare room for them, which would be needed because we have 3 dogs.
Having said that i know each & every one of them, i know immediately if one's looking "not quite right" & the time i spend with them is special because it's just me & them. :)
I really didn't mean to offend...I just feel for my circumstances my piggies needs are best met in a heated shed,if they were indoors they would have to go in the spare room as I have a large nosey dog and although he's a good lad I would not trust him 100% with any furries.they would get floor time but not to the extent they have now as they are freerange in a 10X8 heated shed with all mod cons,I spend most of my spare time in there with them as does my son and OH,sometimes they look at us as if to say "go away" ;D
Yes in an ideal world I would love them indoors,and if someone can magic me an extra room where they can live as happily as they do now I'd be down that shed so fast you wouldn't see me for dust ;D ;D
maryh said:
If pets in the house upset you,why do you keep them.?
me ? ? i keep them cause i want to and they are in a shed O0 not in my house 0:) i clean mine out every other day and even whe mine were indoors you could smell animals even when they were clean and i do not like that 0:)
maisynpoppy said:
my piggies dont smell at all but maybe cause ive just got 3?
I only had 1 at the time and cause i had never had a pet before - this was when i were young :) I could tell i had a guinea cause of the smell - i can smell animals a mile off in someones house :P I have had dogs before in the house too but they just smell too

All animals smell ;D ;D ;D
My boars smell, they sent everywhere but I keep ontop of it and do a full clean out every other day. Flora and Fleur don't smell at all. Bloody boys, they are so disguisting! :D
SunshineAndTwinkle said:
My boars smell, they sent everywhere but I keep ontop of it and do a full clean out every other day. Flora and Fleur don't smell at all. Bloody boys, they are so disguisting! :D
to be honest my boars are the most cleanest ever :smitten: my sows are smelly ;D ;D my boars only scent when near a sow :D
Gps do smell when they haven't been cleaned out, but mine don't smell because they're in a seperate, well aired room to everyone/thing else plus they're cleaned. I think if people want to keep them in a shed it's a good option, mine will probs go in a shed in the summer because i might not have room in the house for them by then ;D but it might be better as it'll be specially pig adapted & they can free range
I have one indoors, little baby delilah. She lives in a c&c in my room on fleece and she is very confident.
I would have the other 11 in the house, but I can't cos of room. I keep mine in an insulated 18 x 5 shed with LOTS of hay especially in the winter months.

My boars smell more than my girls for some reason. Delilah doesn't smell cause I wash her fleece every 2 - 3 days and keep windows open for the day then close them at night.
maryh said:
I am afraid I feel that if you are unable to keep piggies inddoors as part of the family,you should not be keeping them.Piggies react badly to big changes in temperature.,and the boars especially are inquisitive and like to have things going on around them.I do not see the point in keeping any animal outside in a shed or in a hutch,what can you possible get out of them.I am with my piggies most of the time and they amuse me,annoy me,worry me and there is constant reaction.I know straight away if one of my pigs has a problem,because I can tell My behaviour.I do not see how you can have this wonderful relationship with pigs kept away from the house.

With all due respect why don't you dry up I am very offended with the sweeping statements you give out, how dare you say that because my pigs are kept in a shed i should not have them, I adore my pigs and like you they make me smile, cry and i get concerned over every missed poo cough sneeze i hear or see,

Just because you are little miss keep them in the house does not mean we are all letting the elements freeze or boil the inside of our pigs >:(

you have made me a little sad, :-\
There are people who have pigs and house them outside for whatever reason and they adore their pigs. Its side that this issue will divide us. Mine have lived in a hutch in the summer, a shed in the autumn and are now indoors. I want to keep mine indoors but not sure if I can because of my rhinitis in the summer.

I adore my pigs though as we all do, some comments make me sad too. We are all here ebcause we love pigs and want to do what is right for them, we wouldn't be here otherwise. :smitten:
I agree with piggybaker. I can't keep my guineas indoors due to other members of my family in the house with asthma and knowing that guineas really affect one of them very badly, but why should I miss out on having the pets I love and get great enjoyment out of just because of this. My guineas and rabbit are all in a shed or under cover outside the shed and I spend alot of time out there with them. I would know straight away if something was wrong with one of them. Everybody is different and what works for one person may not work for another. I feel people should really think about this before making sweeping statements about others because it can offend.
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