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Worried Mama :(

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When I say goopy, I guess I mean watery or runny and kind of squinty. Which just seemed to pop up today, too. His poops have improved; they were very small, skinny, and light brown. Now they are back to almost normal; darker and regular size. I just want him to feel better, he's so sweet.
His eye sounds very similar to how Pippy's was so it's more than likely he just has a scratch or something stuck in there :)

He sounds like he's getting much better otherwise, though.
I am devastated. Poor little angel got his wings tonight at about 1:30 AM. I am gutted. Hop over the Bridge, Roger Poge, mom loves you more than you can ever know.
Oh gosh i am so sorry to hear this - it sounded like you'd got through the worst of it. Big hugs, RIP Roger x
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