Junior Guinea Pig
Hi, I got my two boars last week. They were a bonded pair, and had lived together for at least a month previously and seemed happy together when I visited. After I adopted them, there was some fairly standard piggy dominance behaviour from Django, which I totally expected since it's a new environment and they were establishing who's boss. Lots of rumbling, particularly if Lemmy got in his space and a bit of chasing. Django is definitely the aggressor but Lemmy never seems to challenge back and always runs off/makes distressed squeaks.
They are also both three months :/
I read all of the threads on boars bullying/fighting and dominance behaviour. They did have access to a larger space than their ferplast 120 but they kept jumping back in their cage and didn't want to leave lol
They have two of everything on opposite ends of the cage, loads of hay etc.
Today the behaviour seems to have escalated. There was lots of teeth chattering from both of them and a bit more purposeful chasing from Django and skittish fleeing from Lemmy. Django puts his face towards Lemmy as though to nip but he doesn't. Then it was noses up and Django LUNGED at him. I caught it on video but the file was too big to upload on here. I didn't see teeth but I rewatched the video and for a split second his mouth is open. He was then on his hind legs, lunged a couple nore times but not as extreme.
Lemmy just wanted to get away during this. He kept moving to the opposite end of the cage to keep out of his way but Django follows him. Lemmy is never the aggressor but Django seems to be always picking a fight. Is this behaviour normal or extreme? I've read all of the tips on here and other sites but I can't judge if this is abnormal and an issue. Obviously I don't want to separate them. Will this behaviour stop eventually? Is there cause for concern here?
They are also both three months :/
I read all of the threads on boars bullying/fighting and dominance behaviour. They did have access to a larger space than their ferplast 120 but they kept jumping back in their cage and didn't want to leave lol
They have two of everything on opposite ends of the cage, loads of hay etc.
Today the behaviour seems to have escalated. There was lots of teeth chattering from both of them and a bit more purposeful chasing from Django and skittish fleeing from Lemmy. Django puts his face towards Lemmy as though to nip but he doesn't. Then it was noses up and Django LUNGED at him. I caught it on video but the file was too big to upload on here. I didn't see teeth but I rewatched the video and for a split second his mouth is open. He was then on his hind legs, lunged a couple nore times but not as extreme.
Lemmy just wanted to get away during this. He kept moving to the opposite end of the cage to keep out of his way but Django follows him. Lemmy is never the aggressor but Django seems to be always picking a fight. Is this behaviour normal or extreme? I've read all of the tips on here and other sites but I can't judge if this is abnormal and an issue. Obviously I don't want to separate them. Will this behaviour stop eventually? Is there cause for concern here?