Wordle - what is it?

Wordle 234 5/6


Not great! It’s almost more difficult when you get a number of the right letters in the right place early on as there are so many combinations to eliminate….
Wordle 234 5/6


Was starting to panic a bit there... Its my worst yet! Looks like we were running with the same theme in solution! :hug:

Wordle 234 5/6


Thought I was going to run out of goes again there!

Found this a hard one to crack πŸ€”
Wordle 234 5/6


Wordle 234 5/6


Not great! It’s almost more difficult when you get a number of the right letters in the right place early on as there are so many combinations to eliminate….
I've just got into Hello Wordl. Maybe I shouldn't have. I can now play Wordle all day if I didn't have anything else to do! A woman's work is never done
hello wordl
Fellow hellowordle addict here! Beware of the American spelling .... it's no wonder I didn't get 'edema'! I have to ration it. As you say, work is never done.
I'm not even going to look until tomorrow. I shall be doing piggie meds soon and then going to sleep, I'm stuggling to stay awake!