Winter Weather For Outdoor Guinea Pigs

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Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 28, 2014
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We are in the process of getting some guinea pigs but I am a little worried about the colder weather and how they will cope. The hutch is hopefully large enough for two of them (just over 4foot by 2foot) with a compartment for them to sleep/hide in. I was told that as we live in London they may be ok to remain outside if we cover their cage up when it is rainier/colder and perhaps to use a guinea pig 'hot water bottle' (sorry I have forgotten the actual name of these) but do you think this is ok or should they be brought inside? Obviously if it is snowy I wouldn't keep them outside but if it is rainy or cooler is this ok? Advice welcomed on anything that might help me! :)
Guinea pigs are naturally outdoor animals but many people prefer to keep them indoors with them all year round. My boys are outdoor pigs throughout the summer up until around the middle of October time. At this time of year I like to keep them in our garage just so I know they are always protected against the elements of winter. I also have a snugglesafe heat pad and I really really recommend them. They are great for keeping your pigs warm and they last up to 10 hours! As long as it isn't freezing cold or there isn't snow then I would have thought the pigs would be ok. Is there no way you could get them into a shed or unused garage? Remember the garage must not be used by a car as the fumes can really cause harm to our little babies!
If the pigs have to stay outside make sure the hutch has a thick cover on it, you have a cover on your water bottle to stop it freezing over, heat pad, mounds of hay for warmth and anything extra you think that might help to keep them warm. If it's possible try and move their hutch to a more sheltered area of the garden but make sure it's not a damp area as the pigs can develop respiratory problems. I think they should be okay as long as you try your best to keep them warm. Is there no way they could be kept in a indoors somewhere?
I have kept my piggies outside and in the garage and they were fine in both ! When it was really I put a blanket over the cage to keep it warm. You have to make certain their water bottle doesn't freeze though!
Thanks for your advice. I might put them in our shed but even that has some little holes in it so who knows how warm it will be in there! I guess it would protect them from the wind.
Another question you may be able to answer ... is it still ok to put them in their run if the grass is wet? Some people say yes, some say no.
I would say definitely not. Like I said before pigs can suffer from being cold and from the dampness. It affects their respiratory system. I'm also pretty certain that they can eat wet grass but you would have to double check with some one on that. You can buy bags of forage in stores like asda, wilkos and pets at home.
It will be warmer In a shed than outdoors so definitely put them in there. If you found that it was a little cold in the shed then I recommend putting a duvet over the top of the hutch to keep the heat in. Make sure eh don't get too hot though x
Regarding grass time - Guinea Pigs should never go out on wet grass but there is no harm in their slave picking some for them and feeding it to them on wet days
Regarding housing - if I were you, I would definitely keep them in a shed over winter.

Ideally , I would like to keep mine indoors but OH has overuled me !

If you have them in a shed, it will be better for you as well as your guinea pigs . I wouldn't like to be cleaning out an outdoor hutch in the depths of winter.
Keeping them in the shed is a very good idea but definatly don't put them out when it's wet as they will catch a cold!
I kept a herd of piggies outside in a covered run (shed with a mesh front) over the winters of 2009/10 & 10/11 when it was really cold. Plenty of hay, plenty of veg. No one suffered, no one died. They were protected from wind and damp. They kept each other warm, I just went through about 20 water bottles, as freezing and thawing takes effect on the plastic.
Oops no my message is supposed to say can't! Guinea pigs can't eat wet grass. Soz for the spelling error!
all of my guinea pigs before these 4 have lived outside and i've just brought their hutch into the garage from mid oct-march. like the above posters said; lots of hay, cover up with as many layers as possible at night and keep a close eye on the water bottles.
Thanks for all of your responses. I think I will see how cold it gets and then decide what to do. We have extra covers in preparation for the cold plus the shed so fingers crossed the little piggies should be fine!
This will be the first winter that I have had Guinea Pigs, and they free range from a hutch in the shed.

I am already so pleased that I housed them in there instead of in an outside hutch, seeing as the wind and rain are on the return - I would have been so cheesed to have had to sit outside and try to remove and replace my snowflake shavings and hay etc in that kind of weather, so can't imagine how I would have got on when the real winter hits - feeling a bit smug that I can just shut myself in the shed with them and take my time, even the cat is looking to get a bed in there!

Its a great retreat for me too from the chaos of the house! :))
Thanks for all of your responses. I think I will see how cold it gets and then decide what to do. We have extra covers in preparation for the cold plus the shed so fingers crossed the little piggies should be fine!
If it is a winter like last one, no need to worry! But it is actually it is the wind and damp that they don't like. So let's hope for a nice cold crisp winter with lots of bright days!
You could insulate the shed.Boss Hogg has done his.This would cover the holes.
No! You never keep them outside. You put them in the Wild they will act like a Wild. They get scared VERY easily, And also there's been problems with birds killing guinea pigs outside, Unless it's in a garage outside is a big No No.:tu:
Regarding grass time - Guinea Pigs should never go out on wet grass but there is no harm in their slave picking some for them and feeding it to them on wet days
Actually, There is some grass outside that can Kill your guinea pig! It's terrible I can't worry enough about outside guinea pigs! :soz:
My boys are outdoor pigs and they love it! They are indoors from October/November - April and from then on they are outdoors. They love foraging and eating the grass x
Mine are outdoor pigs too and they are doing well! They are traditionally outdoor hutch pets in the UK, until I joined here I didn't realise so many people kept them indoors full time!
Yeah I agree! In the uk, guinea pigs are traditionally outdoors pets. I love them being outdoors as I feel it's more natural for them. A lot of people keep them indoors though which must be fun since you are interacting with them more x
I didn't realise people kept them indoors either!
Lots of advice here, thanks. Hopefully getting my two this weekend (fingers crossed)!
I didn't realise people kept them indoors either!
Lots of advice here, thanks. Hopefully getting my two this weekend (fingers crossed)!
Aww good luck! Trust me you will love having them! Wonderful little creatures x
No! You never keep them outside. You put them in the Wild they will act like a Wild. They get scared VERY easily, And also there's been problems with birds killing guinea pigs outside, Unless it's in a garage outside is a big No No.:tu:
Maybe in the USA. I kept piggies outside in the UK for 25 years, admittedly they were not on grass. None died from anything other than old age.
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