The first time they played 'hay pool', i.e. completely submerging themselves under the hay, I had a mass panic thinking I'd somehow lost a pig(!), then Willow shot across the cage, covered in hay! Don't know which of us was the most shocked!
Now they play hay pool without even eating, just to wallow luxuriously in the hay-y feel and smell... I'm quite jealous
I love these captionswish I could do piggy photos, but my iPad camera doesn't like me. In fact, it would do rude gestures at me if it could.
Anyway, I love hay pooling! Once, we saw Duncan just sleeping adorably, so we all had a look. Then, we realised Godfrey was buried under hay! So adorable. We used to, when we had the bad hay ages ago, give them piles, and Duncan would burrow under them and walk around. The Hay Monster, we called him. Nowadays they have a rack. But they actually just yank the hay out to make a nest, so I don't know why we bother. Well, they still like pulling the hay out of the rack to eat. Spoilt piglets
My mum hasn't seen the pigs for a while so I wanted to send a pic to show how they've grown. Marble LOVES the noodley cushion, I've found laptime 100% better for her if it's rebranded as cushiontime! See how she sits nicely... *sigh*
Willow, on the other hand, is a bit like a seven year old child: "Ooh, what's that over there? Can I see? Sit still? I can't! Want to run! Want to explooooore!"
M: "Ooooooooommmmm"
W: "Look how big we've got, nanny!"
M: "Ooooooooommmmm"
W: "So how does the camera phone work, mum?"
M: "Ooooooooommmmm"
W: "Well must be off now, new adventures await, byeeeee!"
Willow is like Godfrey and Marble is like Duncan!
Seriously, Godfrey can be calm in your arms but usually it's "ohmygosh I smelt something! Was that a noise? Did someone say food?!" And Duncan's just so calm. Unless he's with his brother, in which case it's rumbling and booty-shaking (yes, very dominant booty-shaking)
Sounds very much the same! Marble very much gives it top pig and boffs Willow out of the hay, but she's a lot more timid when it comes to me - she can't alpha-human it over me
I usually buy hay from P@H as it's a huge store and has a fairly wide range, but I recently went to my local independent pet shop, they're so tiny that you're lucky to get a pack of hay, let alone a choice
Got a bag called 'Five a day Herbs & hay' by a company called Norfolk Pastures, it's dust extracted meadow grass hay plus marigold, lemon balm, red clover, dandilion and mint. It's £3.59 for a kg, smells gorgeous, is a lovely mix of soft green strands and stalkier bits and, crucially, the girls LOVE it! I'm actually quite jealous - I fancy diving in too
Willow's 'discovered' the hammock under the chair. The willow carrot did help with her confidence, heh. I think the thing she likes best about it is that Marble hasn't mastered it yet
not sure how i missed this thread but its lovely, your girls are gorgeous
you're very creative with their toys too, my lot are rubbish & don't play with anything - they have no interest in toys... only food & sleeps
I'm capitalising on their youth as they're into everything, I've never had such 'play'-y pigs (especially Willow, but if Willow's exploring Marble has to have a look to make sure she's not missing out!). 'Play' mostly means 'chew the heck out of'
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