Why Does She Make This Noise? (video)

Louise's Zoo

Adult Guinea Pig
May 18, 2017
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Eden is my most vocal piggy. She is the loudest at food time, hay time, floor time, all the time. She is also the only piggy who doesn't shut up when I get her out for lap time. She is usually quiet until I start stroking her or I put her on my lap. She quietens down when I give her a chin rub but that's about it.

Why does she make this noise. Is she telling me off?

(Ignore my cockatiel who decides to chirp through some of the video)

Eden is my most vocal piggy. She is the loudest at food time, hay time, floor time, all the time. She is also the only piggy who doesn't shut up when I get her out for lap time. She is usually quiet until I start stroking her or I put her on my lap. She quietens down when I give her a chin rub but that's about it.

Why does she make this noise. Is she telling me off?

(Ignore my cockatiel who decides to chirp through some of the video)

She sounds as if she's enjoying all the attention? My youngster Katie Buttercup shrieks for food and shrieks when she hears me coming but shrieks even louder when picked up! No change in the vocalisation just shrieking! Maybe she's not decided yet how to make welcome noises!
It sounds as if she's loving the attention as @Janice C said. All mine make that noise when they are being held and/or cuddled.
Can't wait for the day Katie decides I'm not a horrid monster! She won't even keep still while being held! She's not frightened when I'm putting out their food and confident running about near me so I feel she's just a wee madam who likes her own way!
I don't know what it means but my four were all nattering away, when they heard her they stoped and went really quiet.

Awww :lol!:

None of my others do it but they seem quite content to sit on my lap or be stroked. It's just her that does it as soon as I touch her. I thought maybe she's telling me to stop it and leave her alone!
Betsy and Velvet are the most vocal and will purr away quite happily. Meg takes a bit longer to start purring but is the most vocal at veg time with a wheak so very loud you'd think she was being murdered! Christian and Dennis are more laid back and sometimes don't make any noise at all. I think it all depends on your piggies personality.
I'm very interested in the reply to this, as my Ginny makes the same noise constantly through lap time. At first I thought it sounded like a worried whiny noise. Then I put it together with fact that she lies on my lap with chooken legs, and licks me. Now I think it is a contented noise. We call her chatty pig as she never shuts up!
My youngest, Sylvester, makes this same noise when he's really happy - floor time, celebratory popcorn laps after veggie dinner, being given a new hidey or toy.. he does NOT do it when I pet him though, as he's my boy who hates being handled :xd:
Well all the pigs had their nail and teeth checked today and some grooming. Edna and Eva both started making this noise while I was stroking them and Edna actually laid flat on my lap, chooken leg out and carried on making the noise as I stroked her so I think it must be a good noise. They have never done that before so I don't know why they've started. Maybe they are finally settled and used to me :D
Well all the pigs had their nail and teeth checked today and some grooming. Edna and Eva both started making this noise while I was stroking them and Edna actually laid flat on my lap, chooken leg out and carried on making the noise as I stroked her so I think it must be a good noise. They have never done that before so I don't know why they've started. Maybe they are finally settled and used to me :D
Glad to hear they're all staring to enjoy it! Trying hard to get my youngsters to make any sound while having lap time - except, of course, Katie the Squealer!
I usually check my lot over on a Sunday and make sure everything is perfect, hair, make up, nail varnish not chipped etc etc but it'll have to wait until tomorrow as I have been in London all day with my son and his girlfriend. Does this make me a bad piggy slave having to make them wait an extra day? They have had a cuddle and a dinner of veg.
Little chatterbox... A bit apprehensive, but not frightened as keeps talking to you - which is a very good sign. It also keep her mates updated as to what is happening to her - young guinea pigs are most vocal at the time they have the range but still lack experience and are therefore at ther most vulnerable. ;)