We are delighted to announce that the forum will continue with our tradition of having an Advent Calendar
Here is a link to last year’s thread …
2017 Advent Calendar
So .... please start looking out for props for Christmas themed photographs and .... get snapping !
Thank You to everyone who has picked a date in our Advent Calendar.
We now have a name for every date see below!
We be very pleased to receive more pigtures ( one per member ) - these will be "standbys" … and … we will post any remaining pigtures on Xmas Day.
Please make sure your pigtures comply with our rules …
1) Photos must have a Christmas theme.
2) Photos of your own Guinea Pigs only – we love to see pigtures of forum pigs. Please do not include any other animals in your pigture - Guinea Pigs only .
3) Props are allowed as long as your pigs are supervised when using the props - and your pigs are not showing any signs of distress.
Guinea Pigs must not be dressed up. N:B: placing a hat on a piggies head is ok providing it just sits on it's head.
5) Software/apps can be used to add hats, beards and/or backgrounds – but please do not use digital software to change the natural appearance of your guinea pigs .
please pm your pigtures to
@Anniversary Herd
Book early to avoid disappointment !
If you have any queries, please post on this thread OR pm
@Anniversary Herd
The calendar will start on December 1st