Who loves red eyes? Who doesn't love them?

I'm very much indifferent. Love them as much as dark eyes piggies. My nephew told me that Lily was evil because she's white with pink eyes. He was 7 at the time and it was an interesting conversation to have (he did change his mind). Makes you realise though that there is so much about self love, body consciousness for humans but we don't combat kids being exposed to these messages in cartoons. If it were humans they would be told that it's not politically correct or that it's discrimination

It is interesting that red eyes are pretty much visual code for 'evil' in cartoons, games, anime, etc. I can see how especially kids would get that impression. I know when my cousin used to work in a pet store she said that often the red-eyed animals were the last ones chosen (mainly small kids doing the choosing.)
We love red eyes, and we have taught the kids in our family to love red eyes too- Blodwen pig has beautiful bright red eyes but she's a bit shy and my attempts to get a photo of her just now ended up like this:
Chubby rear fluffy pyjama chooken leg
Chubby front fluffy pyjama chooken leg, plus photobomb Piggle bum...

But Blod does has beautiful bright pinky red eyes on the eating end of that fluffy pyjama suit, and Piggly pants has a gorgeous mismatched dark red eye (plus a dark green one!) on the front end too!
Finally got a pic with Aliona’s beautiful dark red eyes so had to pop it on here! She’s a stunner (although I’m rather biased!) :love:
Still slightly hard to see, so hard to get them on camera! It’s nail trim day, why she’s got a look like I’m torturing her! She’s so good compared to the other two! 😇
So many gorgeous piggies on this thread.I have piggies with red eyes and dont view them any differently to my black eyed pigs.Its just part of their colouring as far as I'm concerned.
Red Eyes Rock!
If anyone follows "Scottys Animals" on youtube,Hes recently done a video called Red Eyes Rock.Lyrics to a rock arrangement hes done.Its very funny!
I'm not sure how to do a link to youtube