Where To Pet The Piggies?


Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 23, 2017
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May I know where are the best parts to pet the piggies? I know dogs and cats like to be scratched behind their ears and under their chins and cats, especially also love it when you scratch at their back, but I am not familiar with guinea pigs, are they responsive like cats and dogs? Where do they like to be scratched?
Thanks ! :D
May I know where are the best parts to pet the piggies? I know dogs and cats like to be scratched behind their ears and under their chins and cats, especially also love it when you scratch at their back, but I am not familiar with guinea pigs, are they responsive like cats and dogs? Where do they like to be scratched?
Thanks ! :D

Hi! You may find these two guides here helpful in making friends with your guinea pig by using its own social behaviours.
Illustrated Bonding / Dominance Behaviours And Dynamics
How To Pick Up And Weigh Your Guinea Pig
How To Understand Guinea Pig Instincts And Speak Piggy Body Language

Every guinea pig has its own preferences; some have a soft spot under the chin, others love being stroked around the eyes and ears and a third group loves a nose scratch or a gentle pet along the back. Just see what your piggy likes best once it has the courage to tell you its preferences.
The areas you should generally aboid are the sides, the belly and the bum.

You may find our collection of guides for new owners very helpful for getting started. We have included quite a few areas from settling in and interacting with guinea pigs, understanding behaviours, care (including hot weather care), housing, safe and unsafe toys, learning what is normal and what not and how to spot illness etc. : New Owners' Online Starter " Booklet" For Really Helpful Advice
It really depends on the pig. I would start with nose, top of head and under the chin. Most don't like their bum/lower back or tummy being touched, but then again, some do.
my two sows:
Calliope loves when I start stroking under her chin and she rises her head losing even her balance backwards sometimes!
Calipso does not like being stroken... this is the sad truth...:(
Jingle will put up with strokes on her back and around her eyes but is most unimpressed with her feet being touched (trying to get her used to it for manicures).

Mistletoe is not keen on any strokes and it is a bit early to say with Caramel as I havent had him ling and he is just getting used to lap time (inside a cosy little fleece pouch).

They can take a while to get comfortable with being handled. Good luck.
If you ask my boys they'd say nowhere! I tickle them and they're like 'get off! You're so embarrassing!'
They are teenagers after all but do like a quick chin and cheek tickle.

Stan is short haired and has crazy rosettes all over his back and doesn't like being stroked down his back as the hair grows in all directions and he doesn't like that sensation.
Jingle will put up with strokes on her back and around her eyes but is most unimpressed with her feet being touched (trying to get her used to it for manicures).

Mistletoe is not keen on any strokes and it is a bit early to say with Caramel as I havent had him ling and he is just getting used to lap time (inside a cosy little fleece pouch).

They can take a while to get comfortable with being handled. Good luck.
If you ask my boys they'd say nowhere! I tickle them and they're like 'get off! You're so embarrassing!'
They are teenagers after all but do like a quick chin and cheek tickle.

Stan is short haired and has crazy rosettes all over his back and doesn't like being stroked down his back as the hair grows in all directions and he doesn't like that sensation.
I start having a gut feeling.... our untouchable and aristocratic piggies are white/brown and have long hair/rosettes...:hmm:am I wrong?
My sows stopped even purring... and Calipso seems to give me a squint-eyed look when I cuddle her...:soz:
All my 5 love strokes all along the back and purr all the time. :love: Betsy particularly likes being stroked very gently with a fingernail underneath her left eye :nod:NEVER the right for some strange reason:hmm:. It is the only way to calm her down during her strong seasons when she can turn from the calmest, lovliest guinea pig ever into the psycho pig!:yikes:
It depends on the pig. The only commonality is that none of my pigs like you to touch their lower back around the grease gland. Most of mine have enjoyed being patted from to the forehead back to the shoulders/mid-back, from front to back. One loved having her chin rubbed and would tilt her head up to give you a hint that she would like her chin rubbed. My aby was the pickiest (probably because most pigs don't like their fur being patted against the grain, and it's hard not to do that with an aby!) She only wanted to be patted behind her ears around her shoulders and she liked to have her nose rubbed. She rumbled at everything else.
It depends on the pig. The only commonality is that none of my pigs like you to touch their lower back around the grease gland. Most of mine have enjoyed being patted from to the forehead back to the shoulders/mid-back, from front to back. One loved having her chin rubbed and would tilt her head up to give you a hint that she would like her chin rubbed. My aby was the pickiest (probably because most pigs don't like their fur being patted against the grain, and it's hard not to do that with an aby!) She only wanted to be patted behind her ears around her shoulders and she liked to have her nose rubbed. She rumbled at everything else. Most of my pigs like having their noses rubbed and some will even doze off this way, though if they are not in the mood they will jerk their heads up to toss your hand off to make you stop.
May I know where are the best parts to pet the piggies? I know dogs and cats like to be scratched behind their ears and under their chins and cats, especially also love it when you scratch at their back, but I am not familiar with guinea pigs, are they responsive like cats and dogs? Where do they like to be scratched?
Thanks ! :D
Hiya I have found that my guinea pig likes being scrached behind her ears and at the sides of her neck. But i am not saying this is the best for all piggies because they are all individuals with different personalities. Don't rest your hand in their bottoms though because in the wild this shows dominance and makes piggies sad
It really depends on the pig. I would start with nose, top of head and under the chin. Most don't like their bum/lower back or tummy being touched, but then again, some do.
I aggree my little Honey hates her bottom being touched
My piggies like ear and nose rubs, but they hate when i try to pet them from head to butt. They just push me and go check the veggie plate
My piggies like ear and nose rubs, but they hate when i try to pet them from head to butt. They just push me and go check the veggie plate
Same :) I've read that stroking a piggies bum makes them sad and that's sad :(