When You Don't Believe The Amber Snow Warning

Yes, raining here in Atherstone :)
Raining in Bristol. We didn't have any snow to speak of, just a tiny sprinkling on the grass that melted after a couple of hours.
Drove to work this morning, well that was exciting, got half a mile away from the house and then got stuck on a hill, ended up leaving the car to slide back until it found some grip then got some pace back on again to get past the worse of the ice. Took me quite some time to get into the office, not that it was worth it. Argued with the boss and wrote my resignation letter! Anyone need a good personal assistant? :btt:
Drove to work this morning, well that was exciting, got half a mile away from the house and then got stuck on a hill, ended up leaving the car to slide back until it found some grip then got some pace back on again to get past the worse of the ice. Took me quite some time to get into the office, not that it was worth it. Argued with the boss and wrote my resignation letter! Anyone need a good personal assistant? :btt:
Oh no! :( So sorry to hear :soz:x
Drove to work this morning, well that was exciting, got half a mile away from the house and then got stuck on a hill, ended up leaving the car to slide back until it found some grip then got some pace back on again to get past the worse of the ice. Took me quite some time to get into the office, not that it was worth it. Argued with the boss and wrote my resignation letter! Anyone need a good personal assistant? :btt:
Oh dear, sorry to hear that! Sometimes you just can't take any more! I got like that with one of my bosses. I just couldn't handle all of the sniping and rude comments anymore. Oh and he used to swear at me too except when there were customers in the Post Office when butter wouldn't melt in his mouth. All the customers thought he was lovely!
It started raining in Rochdale last night and everyone here started cheering lol. The road looks so much better, but apparently Manchester proper was much better off than we were? So jealous of Manchester right now.
I've just had a shock, got home and as always straight to the pigs, heat then snugglesafes got back outside to do the feeds, and it's blooming snowing! Big fat flakes and the temperature has plummeted...not the 3.5degrees my car said 5 mins previous, it was easily zero and below...felt so weird to have the temperature drop so quickly as I'm stood there.

I was throwing hay everywhere and food and quickly getting the electric blanket on and the other cover, my fingers were so cold I've had to warm them up slowly...such an odd feeling.
So I think I'm getting a pay rise! I didn't argue to get a pay rise...I was mad or a whole host of reasons, well let's see either way...new year new start!
Excellent! I just hope the whole heated moment can be forgotten about and it will blow over ;) x
ive had 6 iches of snow tonight,even when it all thawed wednesday !
We had a mini blizzard about an hour ago, it came down rapidly and in massive flakes. I popped out to my car for just 10 seconds and got covered, frrrrreezing! :eek:
We had a very heavy storm last night. It was absolutely lashing it down! If it had been colder it would have been a blizzard I reckon.