Cuddles With Cavies
Junior Guinea Pig
Back in June I brought a Peruvian sow called Pearl, to join my two girls Rosie and Amber. Introductions didn't go brilliant, but by the end of a very long day they were happy to sit in their 6x2 cage together. But Pearl never seemed to really "gel" with my other two. She always seems to stay out of their way and keep herself to herself. When she didn't come into contact with the other two, there was a lot of dominance.
I finally split them up the first week in July, due to a bite mark that randomly appeared on Rosie's back, although it turned out to be self inflicted due to mites.
Anyway, after an all clear from the vets, I decided to try and reintroduce them again today. Again, it started off well, then the longer they were together the more heated it got. There's been a small fight between Pearl and Amber but no injures. Afterward they sat happily munching hay together but Amber is visabley wary of Pearl now.
I just don't know if I'm doing the right thing. It goes from one minute they'll sit and eat happily together, to facing off and fighting, to completely ignoring each other in the space of 10mins. With how quickly Pearl is to fight (she's started nearly all of them) I'm terrified they'll end up fighting back in their cage and I won't be there to split them up.
But the only other choice it to rehome Pearl, as I dont have space for four pigs or to set up another cage and get her another mate that she may or may not take to.
When do you know when enough is enough. I would have separated them sooner but like I said, you have these golden moments when they sit happily with each other.
I finally split them up the first week in July, due to a bite mark that randomly appeared on Rosie's back, although it turned out to be self inflicted due to mites.
Anyway, after an all clear from the vets, I decided to try and reintroduce them again today. Again, it started off well, then the longer they were together the more heated it got. There's been a small fight between Pearl and Amber but no injures. Afterward they sat happily munching hay together but Amber is visabley wary of Pearl now.
I just don't know if I'm doing the right thing. It goes from one minute they'll sit and eat happily together, to facing off and fighting, to completely ignoring each other in the space of 10mins. With how quickly Pearl is to fight (she's started nearly all of them) I'm terrified they'll end up fighting back in their cage and I won't be there to split them up.
But the only other choice it to rehome Pearl, as I dont have space for four pigs or to set up another cage and get her another mate that she may or may not take to.
When do you know when enough is enough. I would have separated them sooner but like I said, you have these golden moments when they sit happily with each other.