what should i do?

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If you post a good quality (preferably fairly close up) pic of their genital areas, some of our very experienced members will be able to help :)
If you take a photo and upload it to www.tinypic.com then copy the code beginning with
also when * bath a guinea pig do * have to fully dry them?

Yes. Especially if they live outside as they can easily catch a chill if not fully dryed off. If they live inside you can always turn the heating up to help them dry off a bit more but it is best to get the most of the water off before putting them back into their cage.
thanks i was only asking because i dried my guinea pigs but they werent fully dry but i kept tryin to dry them and they kept running away
they were only a bit damp
thanks i was only asking because i dried my guinea pigs but they werent fully dry but i kept tryin to dry them and they kept running away
they were only a bit damp

Yes, dont worry about them still being slightly damp as they will soon dry off by shaking themselves!
yer thanks they were cleaning eachover and ive just made there running space way bigger and ive added loads more hiding spaces and toys so tomorrow when they get let out they can go and explore! x:(|)
ok ill try and take a picture of there homes but it will be to big to put in 1 pic but i will try
Unfortunately i cant take a picture but my guinea pigs have really enjoyed having a lode more space to play in x!
ive just ordered a c&c cage off amazon I'm so excited i should be getting them on thursday or monday or inbetween
They are fantastic. I have one for my gang and it gives them plenty of space. How many piggies do you have and what size will you make the c and c cage?
I have a c&c and currently making a pen up for overwintering the herd with a combination of c&c and puppy panels. I love them, so versitle and slightly addictive :red I have made mock ups of the pens at work using paper and done loads of drawings too to make sure I know what I am planing and the space is suitable, then I ask the customers to check my calculations - which causes great amusement with drawings on the white board :))
to piggyfan i have 2 guinea pigs and i baught over 20 grids so ill maybes make a 4 by 5 or 4 by 6

and lol funny (to pepper dog) :)
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