What made you happy today?

Poop, lots and lots of very big poop! Nugget's relieved he's getting that lot moving as well, it hurt his tummy.

Brillo's happy because the new piggie supplies arrived from viovet in a piggie sized box, he loves a box stuffed with hay.

I'm happy because I finally found time to wash my hair. It was a bit embarrassing yesterday with syringe food stuck in it. Thanks Caspy I know how much you love to share your dinner :roll:
I think this makes me happy?

After having had to abruptly move house to be closer to family at the beginning of summer, our old house is finally on the market to let while we rent here and figure out what's going on long term.

I know that renting it out is for the best so that we can stop haemorrhaging money and keep our hard-earned foot on the property ladder, but it's strange seeing pictures of my home online and even stranger that actually it's (hopefully) going to be someone else's home soon. Mixed feelings but overall a positive change and a good problem to have.

First set of viewings today, and... we have a tenant! Well, the agent are just confirming that their application has been accepted, so fingers crossed nothing has changed in the meantime :))

I am so chuffed, I knew we'd picked/made a good house 😁 Over half the people who saw it this morning put in an application!
First set of viewings today, and... we have a tenant! Well, the agent are just confirming that their application has been accepted, so fingers crossed nothing has changed in the meantime :))

I am so chuffed, I knew we'd picked/made a good house 😁 Over half the people who saw it this morning put in an application!
That’s great news.

I’m happy - I have a sore arm.
The reason - I had both the flu jab and the Covid booster today
Amazon gave me a free gift card and ignored me when my immediate reaction was NO DON'T DO THAT THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT. lol.

I found a seller advertising faked stuff. I don't know if the faked stuff actually existed or if they'd just put a couple of images together to pretend there was a product involved (and was advertising it at twice the price of the real thing) so they could get the money and run. I have nothing to do with the guy personally but I love his work so I reported the faked stuff to Amazon expecting them to go, "Meh not our problem."
Instead, after taking the link for the real stuff, the faked stuff, and confirming the actual author, they flagged the post. And when I pointed out the dodgy seller has other, similar, stuff for sale but I wouldn't know if it was real because I'm not familiar with the source material they're like "yeah we'll report the seller too." Oh, good. That went better than I expected. "Also we'd like to give you a gift card to apologise."

It's the principle, I didn't do it for free stuff 😱 I'll keep an eye on the listing, though. Just in case.
Amazon gave me a free gift card and ignored me when my immediate reaction was NO DON'T DO THAT THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT. lol.

I found a seller advertising faked stuff. I don't know if the faked stuff actually existed or if they'd just put a couple of images together to pretend there was a product involved (and was advertising it at twice the price of the real thing) so they could get the money and run. I have nothing to do with the guy personally but I love his work so I reported the faked stuff to Amazon expecting them to go, "Meh not our problem."
Instead, after taking the link for the real stuff, the faked stuff, and confirming the actual author, they flagged the post. And when I pointed out the dodgy seller has other, similar, stuff for sale but I wouldn't know if it was real because I'm not familiar with the source material they're like "yeah we'll report the seller too." Oh, good. That went better than I expected. "Also we'd like to give you a gift card to apologise."

It's the principle, I didn't do it for free stuff 😱 I'll keep an eye on the listing, though. Just in case.

Nice to see a good deed going rewarded! I'm sure your guys would have some suggestions on how to spend it, if you get stuck...
Nice to see a good deed going rewarded! I'm sure your guys would have some suggestions on how to spend it, if you get stuck...

Like if he'd just done it 20 minutes earlier I could've used it on the order I was making :)) I have a horrendous dry mouth issue atm, cannot keep saliva going at all no matter how much I drink so I bought a bag of Jolly Ranchers because if they don't work nothing will, and then Coke to tide me over til I can get a grocery delivery on Friday.

Could totally have had some rice crackers in there too, grumble. I don't know wtf is wrong with my saliva production but this is ridiculous.
Maybe, but I can only drink so much of what passes for water here and I've drunk more than enough cola it shouldn't be causing a problem, not to this extent. I'm all cola'd out lol (now there's a phrase I never thought I'd say!)
Ah maybe it’s from your non seizure episode ? I can’t know but it could be ?Hopefully when you wake up tomorro it’ll be much better 🥰
I'm mega early this year and have started my Christmas shopping! My nephews car garage arrived and I test built it to make sure all the pieces were there and it fit together - it did. I took a gamble and ordered an exclusive to amazon one, which probably means all I will see in shops is childrens car garages now.

Also, I've lost a little bit of weight this week. Was only going to weigh myself monthly but sneakily did, out of curiosity.
Are you having a flu jab ? They can do it at the same time ! One in each arm 😂

I could do, maybe, but I think my GP surgery insists on it being done there if it gets done at all which is how I ended up with no flu jab last year lol. I'm eligible. I don't know why I'm eligible, but I'm eligible!

Coincidentally I also don't know what had me on the shielding list for Covid and for the Covid vaccines.
Ah best to have both - there is a risk of flu and Covid overwhelming the NHS - and you don’t need to be poorly with either ! I think when you go along they’ll do both for you.
Nah when I was there on Thursday they were asking was the appointment for one or both. It's NBD, I'm not getting nagged for it yet anyway.
1 - The little gem lettuce in Tesco today was DARK GREEN and leafy for a change! (It seemed to have changed over the last few shops). I nearly let out a “woo hoo” but refrained. I tried to post it on here right at my trolly, but the reception was bad 🤣 My two hate the light green stuff with a lot of stalk. They never eat it all.

2 - After a run around the hall, a check up and tidy - two healthy, happy piggies were delighted with a nice fresh pen and new hay! I peeked in to a bedroom and saw little Pansy lying asleep with her wee head resting on a pillow of hay. My heart is melting 🥰

3 - It’s a week to half term and I think I might just make it! 😁👍🙏🏼
Happy today I fixed the stairs carpet that was loose! It's been gradually getting more of a trip hazard for a couple of years and I've always just ignored it, but now the precious piggies all live upstairs and travel downstairs for playpen time via trug bucket carriage, its been on my mind.
Hammer and carpet nails purchased by piggy daddy this afternoon and put into action by me this evening- that carpet isn't going anywhere lol, every potentially loose corner nailed firmly down :)