What is happening to me?

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Jan 23, 2006
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Last Tuesday night, I noticed I had some red scratches on my arm - thought nothing of it. The next morning, I had more scratches on the same arm but a diff place. I checked everywhere else and I was fine. 20 mins later, my arm hurt in a different part and I notiched even more scratches. I also found some on my tummy. I just left them and eventually they went away.

This morning I had same scratches come up on the other arm. All day I have been fine but I just been sitting upstairs in some shorts revising at table and a really bad pain shot into the inside of my leg - I have been scratched about 10 times in one place.

Some do you think it is? - I have added a poor quality pic - I just keep getting scratched! I have no nails at all so its not me.

Should I go to the doctors? - Feel stupid going about scratches.

OUCH they look nasty :(
You sure you're not scratching during the night, are you over heated?
Mmmmm have you changed the laundry powder maybe an allergy to something?
<hugs> :-* :-* :-*
Does it feel rash-like or anything? Think really carefully about any possiblities of where they might have come from.

If it does seem like maybe an allergy or some health issue, it'd probably best to go and get it checked out just in case.

I personally am covered in scratches most of the time and get sharp pains all over at random, but I have done most of my life so I think nothing of it. XD
If you dont no what it is i would go to the doctors, how silly something seems its always best to get it checked out if its worrying you. :)
hope you feel better soon! :smitten:
Def not scratching in the night - I have no nails and also, the bad 1 on my leg has literally come up in the past 10 mins.

Whilst typing this - I have had enough scratch come up - My whole body feels horrible and sensitive
Sehnsucht said:
pop down to casualty,i know i would

Unless it seems immediately threatening, it might be a better idea to see if it's possible to make an appointment with a GP ASAP instead.
The ones on my arm last week were quite big - the 1 that appeared on my arm this morn is not that long in length

here is a pic...

i would go to seek medical advice, it doesn't sound right, espcially with the pains aswell.
Coud be it shingles? But I don't know, I would pop to the docs tomorrow if I was you.
Natnat x said:
i would go to seek medical advice, it doesn't sound right, espcially with the pains aswell.

Its a stinging pain - You know the feeling you get when you been scratched. Its horrible!
I would phone the NHS helpline. You'll probably have to answer about a million questions but might give you an idea.
squeakypigs said:
Natnat x said:
i would go to seek medical advice, it doesn't sound right, espcially with the pains aswell.

Its a stinging pain - You know the feeling you get when you been scratched. Its horrible!

oh well thats different, i would try searching up on the internet, they actualluy have like websites on what it could be and how to take advice on it. but i would seek medical advice anyway.
cashmincal said:
Coud be it shingles? But I don't know, I would pop to the docs tomorrow if I was you.
get a bad spotty, itchy and sore back with that ;)

Would get it checked out Ellie! Something strange going on there!
Jillybean said:
I would phone the NHS helpline. You'll probably have to answer about a million questions but might give you an idea.

yeah i would call them too i reckon
Jillybean said:
I would phone the NHS helpline. You'll probably have to answer about a million questions but might give you an idea.

I feel so stupid - I have no idea what to do - Think i'll wait till morning and go doctors - going to feel like a right prat!

This is the last 1 to come up...


(not as bad as other scratches - bad quality pic again!)
It's quite purculier. I'd see GP in morning, of if you cant get an appointment pop into a local walk in centre. NHS direct are rubbish. All they will say is go to hopsital because they're all so scared of getting something wrong. You could ring up your local A + E and ask for advise as they will be better then NHS Direct. Hope it gets sorted though, very odd how it's come up!
It is indeed - I just have no idea. Thought it was the house but Luke lives here and hasn't got any scratches anywhere.

I got a test tomorrow morning and now I can't concentrate whilst revising! Just am really confused!
I once had a rash appear, started on legs then moved to stomach and back etc. Went to docs and it's just a rash that appears, and then disappears for no reason! We are strange creatures.
Whats your test?
I got a Sociology exam. Grrrr - I am going to be up all night revising it!
cashmincal said:
Coud be it shingles? But I don't know, I would pop to the docs tomorrow if I was you.

Just checked on NHS Direct website - doesn't sound like it is shingles... I will have to try and get an appointment for the doctors tomorrow.
with studying so hard could it be stress related you might just gently wipe you arm and this angry mark appears you could be over sensative to touch whilst so stressed out, or as already said are you sure the house is not possesed its wierd though, think I'd look it up on internet let us know and good luck with your exam
Does it look like there's any sort of tiny bite mark by the scratches, maybe at the top or bottom of the scratch marks or near to them?
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