What does a wonky head mean?

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Over the past month, Rosie's head has been wonky, like it tilts to the right, I have no idea why - the vet prescribed antibiotics for a possible middle ear infection.

I have no idea whats going on with her, she doesnt seem to be in pain... :'(
sending rosie hugs and healing vibes :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: rosie must be a very popular name for guinea pigs as we had one called rosie and some members here have rosie's too. hoping she gets better and the girls send :-* :-* :-*
shes called Rosie as she has lotsa rosettes ;D hehe, she has been on the anti-biotics for a day and she seems a little perkier and ever so slightly less wonky :D

Just a thought but could she have had a stroke? I've seen a few piggies after a stroke and they can be left with head tilts, causing them no bother at all.
I was looking at peter gurneys website yesterday and it has an A-Z section, try looking at the 'Strokes' section if the anti-biotics do not correct it.

Good luck

If the antibiotic do not clear this up it has a high chance of a stroke, this is not your fault if thats the case, it happens to piggies of all ages, but mostly adults. Hope it gets better! :)
I'm confused, the anti-biotics dont seem to be doing anything, the heads slightly less tilted, but if she had had a stroke wouldnt i be able to see some other signs?
i am not sure, but i know my late mother had a slight stroke and there were no symptoms at all! we only knew she had a stroke by the coroners report where there was scarring on the left side of her brain. :'( :'( :'( hoping rosie gets better soon, sending hugs and cuddles to you both :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-*
Our Dylan had a stroke whilst he was in rescue and has been left with a head tilt - it looked awful at first but has improved a lot - apart from the tilt, hes had not other physical signs apart from what we call Dylan Down Days - when he just doesn't want to come out of his slipper bed, or ignores his food when it's first put down for him. Much of the time he is active and bright, but a vet said that his quiet periods were down to his balance being off due to the stroke and how it's connected to the ears, it can make them a bit nauseous etc.

Here is Peter Gurney's info on strokes, pehaps that will help? http://www.oginet.com/pgurney/strokes.htm
Like us antibiotic take a while to make improvements, even a few weeks after treatment. If it does not improve go back to the vet. Give the piggy a while longer before you make the diagnosis of a stoke. Hope this is more clear. Also is their any other signs that are not quite right? just to rule out anything else? The boys say :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: the girls say :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: Take care.
There is nothing wrong, shes eating sleeping running around like usual :'(
perhaps ask for an ultrasound or perhaps get a second opinion. really hoping rosie's head tilt gets better. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: sending hugs and healing vibes your way :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-*
I am sure she is fine. I used to have a really old boy and his was tilted since I got him, he obviously had a stroke I never even though ear infection/imbalance due to his age and active health. I think if she seems happy it might be a stroke. Maybe look for a more piggy savy vet to help you sort out which it is. Good night! :D
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