I like it as it is too

I like the photo competitions, either the fundraisers (they're not too expensive for those on a tight budget) or just general posting, i also like the seasonal themed nights - Xmas, Easter, summer beach party, Halloween, bank holidays, etc.
I don't think we've had any this year so far? i wouldn't want them too often as i think they would lose their appeal, but the big holidays or 3-4 times a year would be great, they're always a good laugh
i don't understand all this instant messaging, etc. i am a bear with little brain... i read, i post, i see what I've put & the advice on the whole is reliable, correct & friendly/supportive. i wouldn't want this to change... i'm a firm believer in 'if it ain't broke...don't fix it' maybe i'm stuck in a rut? but if the forum changed too much i feel it would push people away & probably be harder to moderate?
I'm not really into much technology & the forum feels a 'safe' place to be. Thank you to the volunteering staff

who keep the forum running, up to date well moderated.
i also love going to the meets arranged on here, but again i think the quarterly'ish meets are about right, it could get too expensive if they were too often.
no adverts on here is fantastic - i hate adverts!
I'm a very happy customer