What do you think happened to Tony?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 29, 2008
Reaction score
I lost my Tony 2 years ago, he was a lovely piggie but suddenly had problems eating, he wanted to but it was hard. I took him to vets every two weeks where he had injections and i fed him through a sorringe. It broke my heart as i knew he was starving and always begged for food. WHat do you think was wrong with him? the vet did file his teeth down too but i felt evil not being able to help him at the time and he would yell all the time and i didnt know what to do.
One can only guess but it does sound like teeth problems were the cause. Many vets are not experienced enough with guinea pigs to treat them correctly as they are classed as exotic pets and they havent trained in that.
Its worth doing your homework and finding a vet that really knows their stuff :)
Sadly too late but i will, they did claim they were experts though. Ha. I think they just ripped me off, cost me over a hundred in bills in the end and the poor boy suffered.
welcome from me and the girls from oz :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: so sorry for the lost of tony :'( :'( :'( run free and be happy amongst the clouds and watch over your family and friends. 0:) 0:) 0:) i would say it was teeth too, perhaps look at the top of health at thread recomended vets and see if there is one near you or tell the others where you are and they may know of a good vet for piggies O0 have fun, learn heaps and make lots of friends. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: RIP darling tony 0:) 0:) 0:)
Sorry to hear about Tony. I have a piggie, called Joey, who I have been having problems with for many months. He had no problems with his teeth as the vet checked them and I also kept an eye on his front teeth. But last week I noticed one of his front teeth had chipped off but that in itself hasn't changed his choice of food. Prior to and also now he can only eat soft veg and fruit such as cucumber and tomatoes anyway, but could manage his dried food. So that is very weird.

You obviously cared for Tony and did the best for him as you regularly took him to the vets so that they could try to find out what his problem was. Unfortunately, vets don't always have an answer. I guess that is the same as the human world. Sometimes, no matter how hard to try, you can't make things better again.
Sometimes gps can get spures on the molars at the very back,even under the tongue.These can dig into the soft flesh and make eating very painful.the spurs are easy to miss,even by an experienced vet.This is why a thorough examination of the mouth is so important.Sadly not all vets know how to do this properly.
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