What Counts As Blood Being Drawn


Junior Guinea Pig
May 10, 2017
Reaction score
Sorry I seem to be posting a lot but my guinea pigs are little messes at the moment.

They recently had a fight, one of them had a little cut and we seperated them. We reintroduced them the next day and apart from the odd scuffle and a lot of dominance they have been reasonably okay.

Today, the stronger but currently less dominant (used to be more dominant) one seemed to be acting a bit more dominant and after a little scuffle the other one of them has a small cut on his face.

It's a bit red but there's no actual blood out of the wound. Should I keep them together?

I believe blood is generally meant as an intentional wound from fighting. That scratch could be a misjudged swipe of the paw as a "get off me" gesture. If they appear to be okay and there isn't a lot of aggression I would keep monitoring
should I separate them if he gets more cuts?
I would keep a close eye on them both and check them both regularly for any bites just to be sure
Sorry I seem to be posting a lot but my guinea pigs are little messes at the moment.

They recently had a fight, one of them had a little cut and we seperated them. We reintroduced them the next day and apart from the odd scuffle and a lot of dominance they have been reasonably okay.

Today, the stronger but currently less dominant (used to be more dominant) one seemed to be acting a bit more dominant and after a little scuffle the other one of them has a small cut on his face.

It's a bit red but there's no actual blood out of the wound. Should I keep them together?

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That is just a misjudged swipe with a back foot and is nothing to worry about.

When we are talking about blood, we are talking about serious and intentional deep bites. They look rather like two pin prick holes or a very deep gash.