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What Color

  • Thread starter Thread starter GinnyLover
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I know it sounds stupid ,but what color is gp's pee.One of mine just had white pee.But he is happy and hyper,he is eating and drinking like always.
It is normal for gps to sometimes have white in the urine.The urine should mostly be clear and if the white occurs often it could be that the piggy has too much calcium.,just give extra water by syringe and cut back on veggies rich in calcium,such as parsley.
my piggies widdle is either light yellow or brown, i usually find the brown in the food bowl with some poops in it. :o :o :o and no your question was not stupid O0 the only stupid question is the one never asked. hugs to your piggy :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
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