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Wet Hair at the Back~

  • Thread starter Thread starter Skydreamie
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Hmmm, does anybody's piggies have such problem?

It seems that sugar is peeing on to himself... or the hair is too long and it always got wet because of the pee?
The wet area isn't the bottom.. but its at the BACK~ at the end of his body...

Seems like kinda unhygenic if he keep getting the hair wet.. is there anything i can do?
you could try trimming his fur, naughty sugar :tickedoff: maybe he is peeing and then laying in it as some piggies like to do. is he peeing more than usual? might be worth a vet trip if concerned as he might have a urine infection if this has just started. other than that trim and bum washes, dry with hair drier and towel. good luck and sugar you behave O0 hugs :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-*
I think a urine infection or cystitis can cause them to wee unexpectedly or dribble causing wet at the back, or it could just be that the hair is too long. Keep an eye and see if he squeaks when he wees. Also, give his bum area a wash and trim the hair round that area and see if that helps :)
Would it be his grease gland ?
If so he needs a good clean around the area O0
I'm sure there's a couple of threads about this in here somewhere :-\
If in doubt i'd go to the vets for Sugar love O0
healing wheeks for him :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Thanks all ;)

I think i will trim the hair away for him soon... guess its getting too long.

Yea he practically sleeps everywhere in the cage... as he is always wheeking for Coffee nxt door. hahahahaa. I've tried to toilet train him.. but arggggh, i gave up! he just doesn't pee at the correct place =(

I hope its not UTI or something.. he doesn't squeak when peeing... but i will try to take extra notice about it.

Hehehe i think I'm going to give him his wash soon.. his FIRST EVER! lol.
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