Welcome The Boys

It’s work in progress, but it’s nearly ready for their arrival tomorrow. I’ve gone for the maximum size I can do for the boys, a 6x2 with a 2x1 loft with the view of possibly having another loft opposite if required.
I ordered 4mm thick correx, but I immediately got suspicious when it arrived in a roll! As many of us know, 4mm does not bend... I was straight on the phone to the supplier and they apologised and offered most of my money back but they could not get the correct correx until next weekend. I explained I needed it straight away, I can manage short term with the 2mm cockup but will need it eventually. So they have offered me a code to ensure I get the correct correx when I need it at a mahoosive discount, £10 for 2 sheets of 4mm thick 2440mm x 1220mm. Winner winner chicken dinner! 😁
Thanks, I hope they do 😊 After they have settled in, I shall pop in a ramp so they can pop down to have a free roam when they feel like it. Well, the carpet will we a giant pee pad until my new carpet arrives! :))
Our carpet in the living room used to be their pee pad too, specifically under the coffee table. My piggies roam freely in the living room so it can't be avoided. Although we changed the flooring on April and it's now vinyl tiles with a big mat in the middle. I just put fleece now under the table if they want to stay under it.

This is Sierra under the said table. 😁
