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Weight loss

I've just popped back on because I got a notification to this . Sorry to hear this 😔. I doubt itl help but I'm in the exact same boat at the moment . It sucks big time . All the best , hope he is alright
I've just popped back on because I got a notification to this . Sorry to hear this 😔. I doubt itl help but I'm in the exact same boat at the moment . It sucks big time . All the best , hope he is alright
So sorry! :soz:
It is always a terrible time when there is so little you can do.
What is wrong with your piggy?
It sounds like you're doing everything you can and that you're taking good care of him. He's lucky to have you. Sending hope that he has as many good days with you as possible.
Thank you everyone for your kind words. It's a real comfort to read as the news starts to sink in. Doggo was at day care today and Jessica is now understanding a little more so Boris had some lap time indoors. Jessica petted him (she's started patting rather than pulling hair on the poor dog) and she absolutely adored him. It was nice to have that moment with both of them as I really thought we would have a few more years yet. All I can say is it doesn't matter how many pets you have had, it never gets any easier.
So sorry! :soz:
It is always a terrible time when there is so little you can do.
What is wrong with your piggy?
I don't wanna make it about me on this delicate thread , but mine is one of my rats has a brain tumour. Thanks for the message . 👍
I am so sorry to read your sad news. Me and my piggies send our love to you and Boris and hope you have many more happy days with him. He is lucky to be surrounded by love and care. Look after yourself xx
At the moment I am weighing Boris every two days. He's just had his pain relief for today and his weight is up to 829g. Definitely doing him good so need to ring the vet to update them and get a longer term supply of loxicom for him
So pleased that Boris seems to be doing better on the painkillers.
Come on Boris.
Sorry I’ve just seen this, huge hugs. Glad Boris is feeling a bit better with his metacam ❤️ x
Good news that Boris is doing better now he has pain relief.xx
Well this absolutely sucks. In the last 4 days Boris has lost 152g. He feels a bag of bones and has lost interest in food. His poops are softer and tapered at one end with them getting suck coming out.

I know full well this is the end for him. The suspected mass was intestine area so the change in poops fits with difficulties there. The problem is that I had to take Jessica for a covid test today so we are self isolating until we get the result. My mum was with us this morning so is also self isolating. My best friend and her family all have covid so are isolating. My brother is working. We also saw the in laws yesterday who now have to isolate until we get the result. There is no one else I can get to take him to the vets and also I would absolutely hate myself for sending him with someone else to be put to sleep so I guess I am syringe feeding and trying to keep him comfortable until the result comes through and I can take him myself
You are doing all that you can, Kelly. Be kind to yourself. I would just increase his pain relief if you have enough and if you think he needs it xx
I hope the test is negative. Wishing you all the best.
Fingers crossed here for a negative result. You are doing all you can for Boris, sending you my support and best wishes.
Thank you everyone. Thankfully Jessica's test came back negative this morning. Boris is booked in later today and I expect he will be put to sleep. It will be very hard knowing I can't go in
I am pleased to hear Jessica's test was negative that's one weight off your mind. I'm so sorry about Boris, it is hard not being able to go in. We couldn't go in a few weeks ago when Peanut was PTS. I had a cuddle and said goodbye at home before we left. Sending you my very best wishes.