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Weight gain?

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MintyAndGarry (TEAS)

Adult Guinea Pig
Nov 22, 2007
Reaction score
Director at TEAS (West Hunsbury), Northampton, UK
Dave has been with me now for just shy of a week. He was 525 grams when he arrived and is now about 560 grams (the joys of old fashioned scales!)

Was just wondering how much is a good amount for him to be gaining? He is eating well and is getting bigger by the day (in size!).
i personally would say any weight gain is a good gain. he should have a growth spurt and gain heaps of weight. if he is eating, drinking, pooping and happy and healthy i think any weight gain is good. O0 our zoe put on 30 grams in 2 months and we are over the moon about it. perhaps check the thread i saw somewhere on average weights for piggies at certain ages. sending hugs :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: you go dave O0
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