Adult Guinea Pig
I don't really plan to do anything, because ever time i plan something always happens to stop plans.Went ASDA shopping at 7am, my Friend is up at 5.30am every morning to walk her dogs and does her shopping early,so its great really means that I've no bus and taxi to get,but i hate early mornings! Took my daughter to her disco dancing this morning.When i got back i started on garden hedge because rabbits found hole in it and have been running into the other gardens spend 1/2 hour on Friday catching them.Used some old fire guard "caging" great stuff to block the holes!Then cleaned hen out,guinea pigs, tried to sort out the decking to make up tomorrow and a general clean up of the garden!Rearranged the hutches,oooh me back,why do i make them so heavy!Once done came in and made tea- prawn& chicken curry for me & hubby,bairns had bolognaise again(left over from yesterday)and wholemeal pasta,they are eating something healthy and they like it! brownie point to me!