Watery/swollen eye


Adult Guinea Pig
Apr 19, 2018
Reaction score
United States
Poor Cocoa now has something going on with her eye. It appears watery and she keeps squinting it. I just noticed it tonight; it was totally normal earlier today. I can’t get into the vet until the morning, but does anyone have advice in the meantime? I’m wondering if she scratched her eye or poked it with hay. Photos are below:

Bad eye:
Normal eye:
Thanks for your responses. Cocoa’s eye actually looks a lot better this morning. It’s pretty open and not as watery but she’s still squinting. Will be calling the vet this morning

Eye injuries deteriorate very quickly in a matter of hours rathers than days; the sooner they can be treated, the more quickly and without complications they heal. Here in the UK they are seen as a priority for that reason.

Eye treatment and medication is the same as in other common pet species so any decent general vet will do; seeing a vet quickly comes before seeing a specialist when it comes to eye injuries, which your boy is showing the classic symptoms of - watering and in-drawn painful eye and later on a potential clouding ulceration on top and then deeper in the eye. He could also have something firmly stuck under a lid.
Vets have a special dye to check the extent of damage under UV light; it is usually much larger than you can see with your naked eye.

An untreated eye injury can lead to an infection deep in the eye itself and necessitate the removal because infections deep in the eye are medically very difficult to reach. Hence our urging. ;)

All the best!
A vet trip is always worth it.
If there is something other than haypoke going on the sooner it’s dealt with the better.
If it is haypoke it will need treatment.
Let us know how things go.