Watchmans herd photos

The next few posts are going to be photos of the old herd I have found on my old tablet. All of these piggles barring squiglet Charlie and sadly young Nutmeg who crossed the rainbow bridge have been rehomed into loving familys.20170330220610_1.webp

In the pictures we have the original gang Squiglet Coco Freya and Patch. Then Along came the babys. Diesel Theo and Elsa born to Coco and the black and gold fluff was Jaffa Cake Squiglets son. Coco and Elsa went to live with seperate familys that already had piggles Diesel the Grey piggle seen laying on me in the last pic went to a new home with Jaffa cake while Theo the brown crested boy went and lived with a happy boar he got bonded to.

This little one was Nutmeg a poorly young piggle we tried to look after. She had several issues including dental and blindness but sadly about a week after this picture she suffered a massive seizure and had to be put to sleep.
I maybe round one dark night with my piggy napping torch and my coat with deep pockets for Squiglet.:bal: Don't lock the door I wouldn't want to wake you up!
I don’t rate the chances of that carrot cottage surviving long. Some serious attempts being made there. Where did you get your guinea pig hat from :lol!:
But we do have a couple of medical issues first Squiglet the old girl of the herd she suffered hormone issues enlarged nipples and had to in the end be neutered. All this went well but now she is constantly barbering herself silly. It's a constant fight to try to prevent it and finding new ways of preventing it. She has gone from the herds fluffball to well an untidy madam.
Second medical issue is Poppy the almost blind member of the herd she has a lipoma or fatty mass appear literally overnight was a panic when I saw her the next day shes been to the vets had tests run on the mass and xrays and it is confirmed it is a fatty mass. At the moment the vet is recommending not to have surgery as even though it is rather big it is not effecting her movement or anything else but we are taking it at a week by week basis.

Your herd are all gorgeous, I love all their different colours and variations x
Good to see you back.
Poor little Squiglet - has the vet given any indication why she’s barbering like that?
Glad her op went well though.
Poppy is still gorgeous
Lovely to catch up with you and your herd.
I'm so sorry Squiglet is having problems despite having a successful operation. I have heard of human ladies having itchy skin due to a change in hormones after a hysterectomy, I wonder if she is suffering from something like that.
Peanut sends Poppy hugs, he's just had a similar sized lump removed from the same area, his was an abcess though.

Sadly Poppy ran across the rainbow bridge today. The lump she had almost doubled insize making it almost impossible for her to move without dragging it. The vet did some xrays and found it was actually attached to her leg so it would mean almost certain loss of the leg as well for the operation to work. He then found a second lump starting to form so really it was for the best to let her go. To say I'm devestated is an understatment.