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Emergency Walnut Is Going Downhill - Shivering, Refusing To Eat. Video Please View.

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They said they can't see her until 2;30 PM. Its 11;30 right now. sigh.
Walnut is really suffering. She looks worse. She keeps straining to urinate and crying,. I hate this. Then she just sits there all huddled up and shivering. :(
I really feel for you! Poor girl - especially if you are already maxing out on the painkiller. :(
We are back now. She suddenly perked up and started eating. I was shocked. She had an X ray and unfortunately she is still bloated. But I'm so glad she is eating. She ate some apple and some hay.
The only thing is as soon as we came home she peed and it was bright red. :( They gave her sub Q fluids too.

I am glad that she has perked up! Please keep on hand feeding and DO NOT give fresh fruit or veg to a bloated guinea pig until the guts have stabilised again. Also make sure that she is getting enough fluids.

What did the vet say re. her pain issues?
You need to stop worrying about the bloody wee for now.........

Your piggie is undergoing an acute crisis through pain/lack of food/gut problems - all of which have been caused by her initial urinary tract/stones problem

The former has been resolved for now...you now need to really give good supportive care to help her through and build up the lost weight

I posted on your previous thread to check that there were;t other stones further up the urinary tract via Xary - has any type of Xray been done?x
Okay, I will try to not freak out about the bloody pee and I will continue to hand feed her Critical Care. She really enjoys the heat pad I gave her.
She does not have any other stones. She has had numerous x-rays. She had one today as well and unfortuantely it did show she is still bloated. But no more stones.
Oh she got Sub Q fluids at the Vets and I've been giving her pedialyte by syringe. Oh, the Vet doesn't understand why she is still crying when she pees when she is on this much medication. Right now we are hoping time will heal.
Wishing you all the best and hoping that her system is going to settle down eventually.
PS: Is the red pee already discoloured when it leaves the body or is it clear?

It is not uncommon for a type of bacteria that oxidise the pee very strongly in orange/rusty/reddish tones to flourish after a serious urinary tract illness, but the pee is still clear when it leaves the body. This kind of bacteria is always present in the bladder, but is normally kept in check by the immune system. it should be cleared up by the antibiotic and as soon as Walnut is getting better in herself again.
Her pee is bright red. Like dark bright scarlet red. Almost like someone dropped red paint.
There are some pretty large blood clots in the cage now. Like over the size of a pea. And other blood. But she seems fine. I wonder if something was blocked and then finally released? I'm going to do a search.
Thanks Dindypig, it is strange this morning. She is doing so much better, perky, eating hay on her own but she is still bleeding. It is so strange.
I just read that bunny hopping is a sign of IC. And she was doing this yesterday. Poor old gal.
I wish you and your litte girl all the luck in the world. I hope she gets better quickly, poor little soul. x
I am wishing her all the best. Have you been able to speak to a vet?

PS: has the vet checked her womb?
Hi Yes they are aware of the blood clots. I noticed that when Walnut peed today it was pink instead of bright red. I've completely cleaned the cage out again so I can see what is going on with blood, etc. Thanks :)
phew what a lot has been going on with your poor girl, just wanted to send her my wishes and let you (and her) know that I am routing for her.
Sorry I meant to say that her womb hasn't been checked. I mean she's been checked all over but she hasn't had an ultrasound or anything. She is now peeing clear (yay!) but she is still squeaking and rearing up.
she is slowly recovering, thank you for asking. She isn't peeing blood anymore and seems a lot more comfortable. :)
Good to hear the blood is reducing as I was getting worried ealier today.

If bleeding doesn't stop (or gets worse) please consider a Vitamin K injection to help clot the blood (did this successfully with one of my piggies)
I'm taking her back to the Vets tomorrow. She is still squealing when she goes to the bathroom and she is rarely moving and not eating very much. I did see her drinking water today which is good. But she does not want to move. All she wants to do is sit on the heat pad and hunch up. Or she has her head down. :(
Walnut went to the vets yesterday and they re-checked her. She has lost weight and is quite bony so I am now syringe feeding her critical care. she has been taken off of tramadol because the vet was worried that it could be making her not eat and upsetting her gastro system. So for 48 hours we are trialing her without the narcotic but she is still on metacam and antibiotic. Hopefully, her eating will pick up but if not she is going back to the vets on Saturday for another x ray and possibly blood work.

She is still squealing in pain when she goes to the bathroom. And she is very lethargic. She just lays around and does not want to move much.
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