Virtual forum meets

Which style of meet would you be interested in attending?

  • Traditional Meet

    Votes: 18 43.9%
  • Coffee Morning

    Votes: 32 78.0%
  • Webinar

    Votes: 13 31.7%

  • Total voters
I say too much! Just like my posts there are always a lot of words 😅

You're like me, I panic and the words just come from nowhere. Then I lose all the good things I learned about speech in England and go back to my old self - hyperactive speech, skipping the occasional word, and talking wayyyyyyy too fast.

:whistle: :))
Okay, maybe I didn't explain myself correctly. As vet nurse I'm totally against about health advise or vet online checks that could end in a neglected situation where a guinea pig needed for an appointment doesn't recieve a proper care for any health issue. When I refered my experience I was offering myself to give care advice and as a guinea pig owner also about behaviour and interaction, as you perfectly explain. Sorry for give an incorrect view of myself and If I can help in anyway I will be more than pleased.
Ok. . . Being a never Zoom person . .
Can I ask. . Couple questions . Pls forgive me if they are dumb.
Is Zoom where lots people are on screen and all can hear each other. .
Is it hard to set up. . I have a tablet will that do. .
Is a glass of wine allowed
Yes it is. It’s easy to set up on tablet. You just need to download the app.
Ok. . . Being a never Zoom person . .
Can I ask. . Couple questions . Pls forgive me if they are dumb.
Is Zoom where lots people are on screen and all can hear each other. .
Is it hard to set up. . I have a tablet will that do. .
Is a glass of wine allowed

Yes that's the one David. It is easy to set up. A glass of wine is not complusory but encouraged :))
The iPhone/iPad one is the photo I posted above. Assume it’s under the same name in Microsoft store.
Ok. . . Being a never Zoom person . .
Can I ask. . Couple questions . Pls forgive me if they are dumb.
Is Zoom where lots people are on screen and all can hear each other. .
Is it hard to set up. . I have a tablet will that do. .
Is a glass of wine allowed
You don’t even need to download an app. If you are sent a link (which I believe is the way that is proposed) then all you need to do is click on it and it will open up in a browser.

You have an option of either speaker view, which will show you who is speaking, or gallery view where you can see about 9 people at a time.

Its good manners if you aren’t speaking to turn off your mic (easy to do with a click) to prevent too much background noise.

Its straightforward enough 👍
You don’t even need to download an app. If you are sent a link (which I believe is the way that is proposed) then all you need to do is click on it and it will open up in a browser.

You have an option of either speaker view, which will show you who is speaking, or gallery view where you can see about 9 people at a time.

Its good manners if you aren’t speaking to turn off your mic (easy to do with a click) to prevent too much background noise.

Its straightforward enough 👍
The host can also set it up so everyone comes on muted. I’m new to hosting zooms! 😁
You don’t even need to download an app. If you are sent a link (which I believe is the way that is proposed) then all you need to do is click on it and it will open up in a browser.

You have an option of either speaker view, which will show you who is speaking, or gallery view where you can see about 9 people at a time.

Its good manners if you aren’t speaking to turn off your mic (easy to do with a click) to prevent too much background noise.

Its straightforward enough 👍
I think @Tigermoth is right, you don't actually need the app, just a link sent by the meeting host. I attend 3 church groups that way. I wonder if the link can be sent by PM ? Tricky maybe, it may be set up just to send emails...

can the link be copied, then 'paste&go' into the address bar from the PM , to save making things complicated with email addresses?
Zoom can be accessed via any device.
Depending on your device you can see anything from 1 person (mobile phone) to 16 (Mac)
Most devices will show 9 - 12 thumbnail pics.
Its big advantage over Microsoft Teams is that it is Apple compatible
Once you’ve used it once it’s pretty straightforward.
Do we have a date for a zoom meet. I'm not sure whether I've missed that bit.

No dates have been published yet. Behind the scenes we are still working out dates.

When the dates and times have been agreed a new thread will be started with the dates and times . Members will be invited to choose one meet to attend on a first come first served basis.