Cooper & Chris Farley
Junior Guinea Pig
Thanks so much for your reply/helpI'm really sorry for this news - I hope things work out x
How old is Chris and has he lost any weight? This might give an idea of the effect the stone is currently having. I've seen threads where pigs have started to lose weight for no apparent reason but then a kidney stone has been identified - probably causing some degree of discomfort. The amount of weight lost over time can reflect how he feels - I don't know how these things work though. Maybe general low level discomfort or maybe periods of no trouble and then a flare-up. The other thing is there would be no way to know whether he's had this for months/years and it's just started to trouble him now! Did you get any pain meds in the meantime or does the vet want to see how he does without?
If you wanted to change the title of your thread to reflect the new diagnosis (eg. Kidney stone found - any experience of surgery? or something like that) the mods can do it. Post a request in the technical assistance section and this will flag it for any new viewers with experience of either kidney stones or kidney removal x

Chris will be 2 on March 29th, still so very young, which is why I’m leaning toward having it removed.. assuming it will only grow larger over time. The vet did say that he has lost a little bit of weight but he eats like a horse, thankfully! He’s still very good motivated, which I am grateful for.
I honestly think he has had it since I adopted him and it’s just now showing signs of troubling him

The vet did not prescribe pain medications but he is on an antibiotic, administered every 12 hours.