Username Changes Thread

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I know, you wouldn't expect anything less, you've known me long enough. ;)
Can I change my name to Pinki please..I got confused when joining and ended up using my name. Thanks!
I've done it this time as you've just lost Toffee, can all other requests wait till the usual name change time. ;)
Oh, Lee, you are wonderful, thank you thank you thank you. I'm learning all sorts of etiquette from this forum and it appears piggies are called piggies, not pigs! Thanks again!
Oh, Lee, you are wonderful, thank you thank you thank you. I'm learning all sorts of etiquette from this forum and it appears piggies are called piggies, not pigs! Thanks again!

No problem, there are lots of names for 'them' :) But piggies seems the most popular. I always used piggles until I joined here then piggies became a habit.
Are you planning a set time to change usernames?

I want to ammend my username from PiggieOwner to PiggyOwner but am happy to wait
Can I have spaces? or not? I just feel it's jumbled and a big 'one word' I dunno. If I can fab! If not, no worries! :)
We have a set time for any cosmetic/voluntary name changes in the not too far future around 15th March. Mark that time in your agenda! ;)
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