Junior Guinea Pig
My Moru (sow, 5years old and 9 months) has an ovarian cyst possibly since August 2020.
I took her to the vet and was told that it would be complicated to get rid of it by surgery and he gave her some metacam.
Since then I took to the vet whenever she had health problem, such as losing appetite, strong respiration, and since some time (april?) swollen anus...
We noticed that her right feet was swollen on Wednesday, and as the vet prescribed an anti-inflammation creme, I applied it to her feet as well as her anus.
She eats well. Although she is in pain, she is as nice and lovely as ever to us, sleeps on my chest...
This evening, I washed her bum and I noticed some scabs that looked like dried poo, I gently rubbed her feet to get rid of that 'poo'. I rubbed only the edge of that, but finally some bigger scab? at the centre of it came off.
She did not scream, nor she huffed. It just came off. But she bled a little (just small amount, and it seemes to have stopped).
The thing came off has a strong smell. and it actually seems to come from inside her body (not from outside, like poo etc.), I can see a little hole on her feet, where the scab was.
I think it might be something to do with the cyst.
The vet already confirmed that the inflammation of the anus was caused by the liquid from the cyst.
I noticed that last night the cyst that has been on her right side seemed to have gone (or it became really small), but her right feet is swollen and I think whatever inside the cyst went to and eventually came off her right feet.
(on the visit to the vet on 4 July, the vet noticed that her cyst had become smaller than before)
Today is a national holiday in France so the vet was closed, I will bring Moru to the vet tomorrow.
What I would like to know is, what I should do to her, especially for her feet.
As I described, there is a small hole on her feet where the scab was and I really fear that she get infected from there.
Since Wednesday I put a towel as a flooring and I change it three times a day (first thing in the morning, evening, and before I go to bed).
I tried to put some bandage (gauze and scotch) to cover the hole, but it comes off as she walks. Is it OK to put the gaze then put medical bandage directly to her feet?
I would be most grateful what sort of security measure I could take till tomorrow for her feet. Since the scab came off, what I did to her was to apply anti inflammation cream and gave her Metacam, then fed her veg ( she ate all happily from my hand). Now she is having some timothy hay in her cage. She urinates and poos well.
I took her to the vet and was told that it would be complicated to get rid of it by surgery and he gave her some metacam.
Since then I took to the vet whenever she had health problem, such as losing appetite, strong respiration, and since some time (april?) swollen anus...
We noticed that her right feet was swollen on Wednesday, and as the vet prescribed an anti-inflammation creme, I applied it to her feet as well as her anus.
She eats well. Although she is in pain, she is as nice and lovely as ever to us, sleeps on my chest...
This evening, I washed her bum and I noticed some scabs that looked like dried poo, I gently rubbed her feet to get rid of that 'poo'. I rubbed only the edge of that, but finally some bigger scab? at the centre of it came off.
She did not scream, nor she huffed. It just came off. But she bled a little (just small amount, and it seemes to have stopped).
The thing came off has a strong smell. and it actually seems to come from inside her body (not from outside, like poo etc.), I can see a little hole on her feet, where the scab was.
I think it might be something to do with the cyst.
The vet already confirmed that the inflammation of the anus was caused by the liquid from the cyst.
I noticed that last night the cyst that has been on her right side seemed to have gone (or it became really small), but her right feet is swollen and I think whatever inside the cyst went to and eventually came off her right feet.
(on the visit to the vet on 4 July, the vet noticed that her cyst had become smaller than before)
Today is a national holiday in France so the vet was closed, I will bring Moru to the vet tomorrow.
What I would like to know is, what I should do to her, especially for her feet.
As I described, there is a small hole on her feet where the scab was and I really fear that she get infected from there.
Since Wednesday I put a towel as a flooring and I change it three times a day (first thing in the morning, evening, and before I go to bed).
I tried to put some bandage (gauze and scotch) to cover the hole, but it comes off as she walks. Is it OK to put the gaze then put medical bandage directly to her feet?
I would be most grateful what sort of security measure I could take till tomorrow for her feet. Since the scab came off, what I did to her was to apply anti inflammation cream and gave her Metacam, then fed her veg ( she ate all happily from my hand). Now she is having some timothy hay in her cage. She urinates and poos well.