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[URGENT] Family took care of my piggy for TWO weeks, now when i got her i think she's on the verge of death.


Deleted member 153565

To clarify, i'm a minor. and my parents are STRICTLY against going to a vet. she's had something like arthritis before, and both of her legs stopped working, and none of them wanted to bring her to a vet, but luckily she got through it without any problems.
Although now, our family has taken care of them for about two weeks, and as i got her back, i couldn't believe what's happened. she has a large black patch on her bum, she's barely squeaking, she won't move at all, please help i dont know what to do i don't want to find her dead nerxt mroning i'm really stressing out i'm not allowed to go to the vet i'm not allowed to do anything and they said they'd throw her away if i kept crying i really need advice on what to do to help her.
The people who'd taken care of her said "flies got to her"
Aww sweetheart! I’m really sorry to hear you’re in the situation. I’m not sure what to suggest. Keep her as comfortable as you can. How old is she? Xx
Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry. It’s always difficult when we have to rely on our parents for things like this but if flies have got to her, she could have severe fly strike and she will be suffering. Please remind your parents that they have a duty of care to take a poorly animal in their care to the vets to receive medical treatment. I’m afraid to say that your guinea pig needs veterinary treatment asap 😞 x
Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry. If flies have got to her, she could have severe fly strike and she will be suffering. Please remind your parents that they have a duty of care to take a poorly animal in their care to the vets to receive medical treatment. I’m afraid to say that your guinea pig needs veterinary treatment asap 😞 x
All they've done is threaten to take her away, and tell me i'm not allowed to touch her. They will never let me go to a vet. I need to know what I can do myself, because there's no convincing anyone
All they've done is threaten to take her away, and tell me i'm not allowed to touch her. They will never let me go to a vet. I need to know what I can do myself, because there's no convincing anyone
I’m so sorry for the predicament you’re in 😞 If your parents really are refusing to take her to the vet, is there another family member or friend who would be willing to take you? If not, all you can do is keep her comfortable x
Would it be safe for you to reach out to somewhere like the rspca (or your locations equivalent) and let them know the situation? They may be able to come and take her to the vet, however if she has been got by flies, unfortunately euthanasia is likely the only humane thing that can be done, otherwise she will suffer a not very pleasant death as the maggots will be eating her.

I dont want to assume anything about your home life, but dont put yourself at risk by doing this if it isn't safe for you to do so.
I’m so sorry for the predicament you’re in 😞 If your parents really are refusing to take her to the vet, is there another family member or friend who would be willing to take you? If not, all you can do is keep her comfortable x
sadly not
Would it be safe for you to reach out to somewhere like the rspca (or your locations equivalent) and let them know the situation? They may be able to come and take her to the vet, however if she has been got by flies, unfortunately euthanasia is likely the only humane thing that can be done, otherwise she will suffer a not very pleasant death as the maggots will be eating her.

I dont want to assume anything about your home life, but dont put yourself at risk by doing this if it isn't safe for you to do so.
that would probably put me at risk
is euthanasia really the only way ? :(((
Would it be safe for you to reach out to somewhere like the rspca (or your locations equivalent) and let them know the situation? They may be able to come and take her to the vet, however if she has been got by flies, unfortunately euthanasia is likely the only humane thing that can be done, otherwise she will suffer a not very pleasant death as the maggots will be eating her.

I dont want to assume anything about your home life, but dont put yourself at risk by doing this if it isn't safe for you to do so.
and sadly, there's no equivalent of the rspca here
I’ve just found this… if it’s fly strike…

If you cannot be seen by a vet there and then try to remove any maggots you can spot with pincers as much as possible until you can get to the vet. Your guinea pig will still need a thorough examination from a vet, have any remaining maggot bits removed, and if there is still a chance of survival, will need an antibiotic and thorough disinfection.

May see if you can find an antibacterial soap and do a bum wash xx
I’m so sorry you are in this predicament. I really do feel sad for you and your piggy. There’s not too much we can advise I’m afraid. Can you clean out the wound and make sure there are no more maggots/eggs on her. Is she eating for herself or does she look as if she is passing away? If it looks like the end is near just keep her warm and not too hot. But really the kindest thing MAY be to end her suffering. Is there an animal shelter you could drop her off to? They may be able to help her and find another home for her once she recovers.
that would probably put me at risk
is euthanasia really the only way ? :(((

In that case, keep yourself safe. Unfortunately yes most likely, flystrike is treatable in the very early stages but that pretty much always requires veterinary intervention. Advanced cases really can't be helped due to how much damage has been done to the body 😔
In the UK your parents would be breaking the law. That's how serious this is.
Could you show them this thread?
Your piggy will be suffering badly.
I'm sorry you're going through this. Sorry but your parents are being utterly cruel.
Can you surrender her to a rescue so she can get the help she needs?
If this is flystrike it is truly horrific and she needs help NOW.
I’ve just found this… if it’s fly strike…

If you cannot be seen by a vet there and then try to remove any maggots you can spot with pincers as much as possible until you can get to the vet. Your guinea pig will still need a thorough examination from a vet, have any remaining maggot bits removed, and if there is still a chance of survival, will need an antibiotic and thorough disinfection.

May see if you can find an antibacterial soap and do a bum wash xx
alright, thank you. i'll see if i'm even mentally able to. i dont know what to do without her
I’m so sorry you are in this predicament. I really do feel sad for you and your piggy. There’s not too much we can advise I’m afraid. Can you clean out the wound and make sure there are no more maggots/eggs on her. Is she eating for herself or does she look as if she is passing away? If it looks like the end is near just keep her warm and not too hot. But really the kindest thing MAY be to end her suffering. Is there an animal shelter you could drop her off to? They may be able to help her and find another home for her once she recovers.
i'm not allowed to see her anymore today. i'll see her tomorrow morning. i'll see what i'm able to do. there's an animal shelter about an hour of walking away, so ill see.
In that case, keep yourself safe. Unfortunately yes most likely, flystrike is treatable in the very early stages but that pretty much always requires veterinary intervention. Advanced cases really can't be helped due to how much damage has been done to the body 😔
alright. it hasnt been super long i suppose, so we will see.
In the UK your parents would be breaking the law. That's how serious this is.
Could you show them this thread?
Your piggy will be suffering badly.
I'm sorry you're going through this. Sorry but your parents are being utterly cruel.
Can you surrender her to a rescue so she can get the help she needs?
If this is flystrike it is truly horrific and she needs help NOW.
sadly it's not breaking the law if nobody can know, i can't tell anyone or i'll have to suffer the consequences. i'm not allowed to go to a rescue and i would have to face worse consequences if they see i saved her
i can't do anything
I'm so sorry you're in this situation. I also understand the stress you must be feeling. ❤

I'm guessing your parents are very controlling? Is it too late for you to be allowed to take a picture of her bottom to upload on here?
Can you describe what you can see on her in any more detail, are there any maggots?

Please tell an adult at school or somebody you trust what is going on, as parents who won't give a guinea pig veterinary treatment probably need some help looking after you too.

Please don't put yourself at risk, your welfare must come first.

Edit: are you from the UK?
I am so sorry to hear of your situation. Please don’t do anything that puts yourself at risk.
Sadly flystrike is something which always requires immediate and urgent vet care as it’s a life threatening condition.
I’m so sorry there is nothing you can do.
If you're scared of what your parents might do in any situation or feel at risk this is not ok. Your piggie is unlikely to be able to be saved even with the best emediate veterinary care but there are people that can help you. Please tell a teacher, a friends parents or any other adult you trust if you don't feel safe parents are supposed to be people we trust but sometimes they need help to become that.
I'm so sorry you're in this situation. I also understand the stress you must be feeling. ❤

I'm guessing your parents are very controlling? Is it too late for you to be allowed to take a picture of her bottom to upload on here?
Can you describe what you can see on her in any more detail, are there any maggots?

Please tell an adult at school or somebody you trust what is going on, as parents who won't give a guinea pig veterinary treatment probably need some help looking after you too.

Please don't put yourself at risk, your welfare must come first.

Edit: are you from the UK?
yes they are, and i did take some before. the abnormalities i saw were just around her bottom, she's black and a bit bumpy there. i could not check more since i felt too nauseous and then i wasnt allowed anymore. and sadly i can't really do that, they don't do anything about it, and no one really has. i get your sentiment, and while it's true, i can't do much right now. and no, not uk,
Thanks for the pictures :)

Also, if you feel like you need to suddenly disappear from being online then that's fine- if you could post a quick message before you go like the letter 'y' to let us know you're safe that would be great.
If not, don't worry- I understand that things are really complicated for you right now.

P.S. There's always hope that your piggy hasn't got flystrike or will recover, especially if it's possible for you to get her to a shelter tomorrow. As always, don't put yourself in danger.
I am so sorry to hear of your situation. Please don’t do anything that puts yourself at risk.
Sadly flystrike is something which always requires immediate and urgent vet care as it’s a life threatening condition.
I’m so sorry there is nothing you can do.
i see
Sorry, just to clarify (I don't want to overload you with messages)
Did you see any maggots or worms or bugs on her? If you answer 'no' to this then there's a lot more hope. :)
How does her genital area look?
Does she have any cuts or sores in her skin?
If you're scared of what your parents might do in any situation or feel at risk this is not ok. Your piggie is unlikely to be able to be saved even with the best emediate veterinary care but there are people that can help you. Please tell a teacher, a friends parents or any other adult you trust if you don't feel safe parents are supposed to be people we trust but sometimes they need help to become that.
sadly there isn't anything i can do.
Sorry, just to clarify (I don't want to overload you with messages)
Did you see any maggots or worms or bugs on her? If you answer 'no' to this then there's a lot more hope. :)
How does her genital area look?
Does she have any cuts or sores in her skin?
nono, don't worry abou tthat, i couldn't really see that close to her, but from my point of view i couldnt.
i wasnt able to see her genital area, or if she had any cuts or sores. i'll do that tomorrow, i can't access this account until after 16:00 CEST
For future reference you may find one of these helplines useful for a non-guinea pig emergency.
Child Helplines – Child Helpline International Sometimes somebody on the end of the phone/email available 24/7 can be just what you need to help you get through a crisis. Childline in the UK is completely anonymous, and is used to helping young people in situations like yours.
Sorry, just to clarify (I don't want to overload you with messages)
Did you see any maggots or worms or bugs on her? If you answer 'no' to this then there's a lot more hope. :)
How does her genital area look?
Does she have any cuts or sores in her skin?
ah, coming back to this, i just realized that they said that she did have (when my family took care of her) either one or some worms / maggots, and that they just, bathed her.
why they didn't take her to the vet is beyond me.
nono, don't worry abou tthat, i couldn't really see that close to her, but from my point of view i couldnt.
i wasnt able to see her genital area, or if she had any cuts or sores. i'll do that tomorrow, i can't access this account until after 16:00 CEST
Thanks for letting us know, hopefully by the time you can come back online (if it's safe) some of the health and illness experts may have been able to put some general advice together for you. There is a law in the UK which means only a vet can diagnose an animal, and only after seeing them in person, but I'm sure we can give you some broad advice.