Update on Badger

  • Thread starter Thread starter Raindancer411
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Hi All

Its mixed news with my poor old Badger. He come through the op ok and is sitting in his cage quietly at the moment. He had to have the first layer of muscle and a lymph node removed so the chances are that it is going to come back as they say it could be cancerous... :( All fingers crossed it wont be for a while though... We dont know how long it was there for before we noticed it so it could be slow growing but we will have to see.

PLUS on top of that he has mange (which they say he could have caught from his bedding material) so the wound may take a while longer to heal and he has to go back wednesday for a check up and an injection against that. Only worrying thing is that he has been running around the kitchen and my chihuahua has been out there so am now going to have to keep an eye on her and make sure she is clear of it...

Thank you to you all for your kind words earlier :)

Donna and Badger
Hi Raindancer. I have just read your previous post. I have my fingers crossed for Badger. He made it through the op and that's half the battle. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you both :)
Sorry to hear it may be cancer, are they sending the growth off for testing?

Mange mites is species specific so your dog wont have it, I am 99% sure :)
Thank you both for the replies... I dont think that they are sending the lump off for testing but if they are and didnt say then I will know more on wednesday. Fingers crossed if it is though, it will be a slow growing one and we will have our little mate around for a good while longer :)
if they were sending it off for testing they would have told you and charged you for it. they should have done then you would know more and wouldn't have all this worry now :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: sending both you and badger hugs and cuddles :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: hoping he heals up and back to his normal cheeky self. hoping the two of you have a long happy piggy relationship to come. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
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