Until We Meet Again Moomoo R.i.p

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So sorry to hear about Moo. You have 8 years of wonderful memories, when the tears subside. My oldest boy Mimsi was nearly 9 when he passed and if there is an OAP section at Rainbow Bridge, I'm sure they will be together...Popcorn forever little one...
Thank you Farquhar that is so loverly
Thank you Wiebke, the thing that crushes me at the moment is knowing what a horrible life Moo had before I found him! but you are so right, Moo was so funny, he new how to charm my wife to make her get fresh vegetables from the fridge, He was a great role model for Tubby and my best friend, with Moo in my life I didn't miss anybody, It makes me wonder how I was so lucky to have him in my life? I'm now filling the huge hole Moo has left with looking after Tubby and ensuring he continues to have a wonderful life like his best friend Moo.

There are sadly things that are out of your control. You can try to do your bit to make the world a better place in various small ways, but you can't make the world a heaven on earth! I have piggies that have been rescued from a horrible life and there are still lots out there suffering, but I can't change that! I have already two dozen rescue piggies (as many as I can cope with), either sanctuary fosters, otherwise difficult to rehome older or cataract piggies, some were stuck in rescue for months for no obvious reason and others that were part of a large rescue action flooding out a rescue. A couple are here because their loving mum died.

All I can do is to give them the best of lives while they are with me for whatever time they have, but that is making all the difference! You have given Moo the happiness and love that he has craved and cherished all the more because he knew the difference and deeply appreciated it. Light shines brighter in darkness, and so does love. ;)

It is not easy to come to terms with your loss because you still care so much about Moo in all respects. He will always stay a part of your heart and your life.
Rip Moo
I'm very sorry for your loss x
Moo, I was reading the poems the other day which really helped me with Titch and may help you/ These particular lines stuck with me and for some reason made me feel much, much better:

'Companions such as you are very rare and unique.
Don't hold the love that you have within yourself.
Give it to another like me and then I will live forever. '

I also think their spirit comes back to you in other forms over time, maybe another piggy or another animal. I am convinced my little Thelma had the spirit of my first horse who I loved dearly. They were scarily alike in nature that even my friends would comment on it (I know it sounds weird..I know!) You will know when it happens. xx
Moo, I was reading the poems the other day which really helped me with Titch and may help you/ These particular lines stuck with me and for some reason made me feel much, much better:

'Companions such as you are very rare and unique.
Don't hold the love that you have within yourself.
Give it to another like me and then I will live forever. '

I also think their spirit comes back to you in other forms over time, maybe another piggy or another animal. I am convinced my little Thelma had the spirit of my first horse who I loved dearly. They were scarily alike in nature that even my friends would comment on it (I know it sounds weird..I know!) You will know when it happens. xx
It doesn't sound weird at all, I know I will meet Moo again even if it's when it's my time to go, It's what has kept me going, I've read just one "Rainbow bridge poem" from online, it's amazing the way its been worded, Its like every word is perfect and exactly what I needed to here. I can picture Moo Playing with our family dogs we had as children, Sampson, Henry & Charlie, I know he is safe if he is with them and never lonely, just having fun with the Doggy family he never had a chance to meet…and thank you for letting me know of the poem section, I'm going to take a look now.
It will reduce you to tears, be warned! But a lot of the words I took great comfort in. I dont know how you are doing but one minute I am fine then in tears again..so silly. I am so exhausted from it all, had to wear loads of eye make up to a meeting just now as I tried to obscure my puffy eyes! We will get over it and remember the good times. Just remember we are all here for each other and our guineas have hopefully found each other to play with as well and are wondering what all the fuss is about ;-) .
It will reduce you to tears, be warned! But a lot of the words I took great comfort in. I dont know how you are doing but one minute I am fine then in tears again..so silly. I am so exhausted from it all, had to wear loads of eye make up to a meeting just now as I tried to obscure my puffy eyes! We will get over it and remember the good times. Just remember we are all here for each other and our guineas have hopefully found each other to play with as well and are wondering what all the fuss is about ;-) .
Taking a brief look at the poems, I'm not strong enough right now, I'm slowly, slowly getting on the right track and remembering and appreciating the great times I spent with Moo. I'm deeply sorry to hear about Titch, I understand the hole it leaves, but maybe Moo and Titch are playing with one another, they sound like they would make a great couple, 2 very BIG loveable personalities :)
It will reduce you to tears, be warned! But a lot of the words I took great comfort in. I dont know how you are doing but one minute I am fine then in tears again..so silly. I am so exhausted from it all, had to wear loads of eye make up to a meeting just now as I tried to obscure my puffy eyes! We will get over it and remember the good times. Just remember we are all here for each other and our guineas have hopefully found each other to play with as well and are wondering what all the fuss is about ;-) .
Taking a brief look at the poems, I'm not strong enough right now, I'm slowly, slowly getting on the right track and remembering and appreciating the great times I spent with Moo. I'm deeply sorry to hear about Titch, I understand the hole it leaves, but maybe Moo and Titch are playing with one another, they sound like they would make a great couple, 2 very BIG loveable personalities :)
There are sadly things that are out of your control. You can try to do your bit to make the world a better place in various small ways, but you can't make the world a heaven on earth! I have piggies that have been rescued from a horrible life and there are still lots out there suffering, but I can't change that! I have already two dozen rescue piggies (as many as I can cope with), either sanctuary fosters, otherwise difficult to rehome older or cataract piggies, some were stuck in rescue for months for no obvious reason and others that were part of a large rescue action flooding out a rescue. A couple are here because their loving mum died.

All I can do is to give them the best of lives while they are with me for whatever time they have, but that is making all the difference! You have given Moo the happiness and love that he has craved and cherished all the more because he knew the difference and deeply appreciated it. Light shines brighter in darkness, and so does love. ;)

It is not easy to come to terms with your loss because you still care so much about Moo in all respects. He will always stay a part of your heart and your life.

I read this every night before I sleep, I'm looking forward to the night I can go to sleep smiling instead of feeling so upset. I know this sadness Is partly to do with Moo passing and Tubby being alone. I know When Tubby's finally happy then I'll be happy.
I hadn't seen this, I'm so very sorry. You have some wonderful memories x
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I'm sorry for the loss of Moo and hope that you can find some comfort in the wonderful times you had together x
@Goth Mummy @katie-elizabeth Thank you so much, I still think about Moo every single day and miss him so much, I do remember the good times we had, at the same time I'm still so upset I'm not going to see him again. We're never be ready to lose such a BIG part of our lives.
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