Yeahah they are all getting so big! we just got home yesturday! no Bee someone is very happy to be home.
Everyone got baths! and Majora got his first day at the kira cuvy salon appointment

his hair was just so knotted up from their camping trip! But he was really well behaved. Not so much when it came to bath time Majora will only let Delaney bath him. But Link will only let me so it evens out

Hades LOVES bath time

he is very much the pretty boy

but it's great to be home! They only have temp set up atm because I have alot of exams to study prepar for.
Hades is showing signs of massive domanance so it's a bit if a worry. We just hope he will grow out of it

the other two full chilled. But we have almost saved up enough that if he dosen't calm down we will be able go have a little seporate space for him and Link +Majora. And look at getting Hades a friend of he is able fo have one (he is not aggressive exactly but he is stressing the other to out with all the humping. When he is out link and Majora are snuggled uo and chilled. Bring Hades into the mix chaae humping majora, Link just hid at the start but now he is starting to defend himself. So we will just have to wait and see. They are all still growing after all.