Two spoilt pigs 😊

Dear Patrick

Well done in staging a sit in. You have clearly been taking notes of the recommendations I've given to others as you refused to give up your hidey without your Slave having to resort to bribery. I'm so pleased that you have trained your Slave so well. Keep up the good work!

Remember I'm always here for helpful advice if needed.

Your friend in a crisis

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward
The boys have gone on “holiday” for two weeks while I am away. I’m missing them already and they’ve only been gone an hour. 😢

They have never been to a boarder’s (not really a boarder’s lol it’s my good friend) before. I hope they behave themselves. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

Empty piggy room.

I used to miss mine when they used to go to their auntie @Wiebke for their holidays but it was really nice being able to go on holiday knowing they were in safe hands and they had the time of their life’s 😊

I’m sure Patrick and Pebble will be perfectly fine with your friend 😊

I hope you have a lovely holiday x
All the best!

I have on occasion holiday-sat piggies but also been grateful to others who took in piggies of mine on medication or needing a vet appointment while I was away. My others were fed once daily at home.