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Tumor in Guinea Pig


Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 16, 2016
Reaction score
Hampshire, UK
Hello all. I posted earlier about my guinea pig needing surgery. She had two ovarian cysts which turned out to be inoperable. Sadly the Vet had to put her down. The Vet said that the tumor had attached itself to her pancreas and small intestine. I couldn't bear to see her suffer or be in pain and I knew that this was only going to get worse. Sometimes you have to do what is painful if it is in their best interest. I loved Peanut so much and she was the best little girl ever. I exhausted all of my options. She was seen by three Vets and in the end it was her time. Stitching her back up so she can live another month would have been selfish. I couldn't bare that. As sad as I am I know I did the best by my little girl. She will always be remembered and she will always be missed. Thank you all for your kind words of encouragement and great advice. It meant a lot. We had to purchase another guinea pig because I didn't want my other girl to be alone. So in a strange way life begins again. Will take time to get used to her but my other pig loves her and the two just took to each other right away. Maybe Peanut is still here. I like to think she is....
I remember your post and as you say heartbreaking but it wouldn't have been fair. Peanut is watching over you all 💗
My heart goes out to you, your love and care are written all over your post.

Our hearts break so theirs don't have to. It was the kindest thing for Peanut, may she enjoy the Bridge now 🌈
I'm really sorry for your loss. Sometimes we have to do what hurts us the most in order to give them the peaceful, painless passing they deserve. It's the last act of love and kindness we can give them, but it's SO hard. But I know Peanut would be greatful, we all have to go one day and no one wants to go painfully when they could go peacefully. You did the right thing for her.

I totally get it being hard to bond to a new piggie when we really just want the one we lost back. We lost Tomie really abruptly back in October, and it was really hard for me. She had health problems that we were working really hard to manage, she had a URI that she seemed to be beating before she abruptly collapsed and passed away. She was only 3.5. It was really hard. We got our new piggie, Dahlia, so Misa wouldn't be alone, and although she's lovely, it's honestly just now, several months later, that I am starting to feel that bond with her and that she is supposed to be here. Give yourself some time as you grieve, it will get easier with your new piggie.

There's a poem I like called 'A Dog's Last Will and Testament,' that talks about how an old dog, if he could write a will, would give his home and his place in his owner's heart to another dog who needs that love, because all he really has to give is the love he left behind, and I try to think of that when I'm simultaneously grieving and trying to get to know a new family member. We can never replace the pets we lose, but if we have a place in our homes to give another animal a loving place to live, why would our past pets not want us to do that? And in time our hearts will expand to contain another pet.

((HUGS)) to you and wishing you and your pigs all the best.
Omg I can't stop crying. That was the most beautiful post I have ever read. Thank you so much for your kind and lovely words. You really touched my heart and I agree with everything you said. I know I did the right thing for her. It is just going to take me a bit to get back on solid ground because everything happened so quickly. I suppose I was hoping for the best and pushing the worst to the back of my mind. The only thing that I am comforted about is knowing I did this for her. She is no longer suffering and will not die a painful death. Thank you so much. I appreciate each and everyone on this forum. You truly are the best group of people. 😞🙏💔