Sorry to hear about your piggie, Sueonmull,

hope she starts to perk up soon. Had never considered giving Nurafen, but thanks maryh for your comments and advice. It's really helpful to hear about other owners health experiences.
Little Truffles, is doing well. Eating getting better and better, although still having to chop or shred some food for her. The front teeth seemed to have been cut back a good bit so she's still not too great at biting bits off larger pieces of veggies.
Was at the vets last night, who again opened up the wound. Hardly any pus this time and he reckoned the cavity was substantially shallower than before with evidence of healthy flesh - for the first time he sounded really optimistic.

Another dose of Baytril and back on Monday for a check-up. Poor little Truffs though is getting more and more fed up with the constant prodding and jabbing - poor wee bear :'( :'(
Talked to the vet about using natural antibiotic/bacteriostatic treatments such as tea tree and manuka honey. He reckoned there was no problem with diluted tea tree, but was a little more concerned about using manuka. Said that he had known it to be used successfully on wounds on horses and dogs, but was concerned that if it was ingested it could kill off essential gut flora. I'm going to start a new thread to find out if anyone in the forum has had any experience with using either.
Regards to all!