Thank you that was very informative and reassuring, I feel much better. Winston looks completely fine to me I haven't heard him cough or wheeze once in the whole time I've had him yet he's on antibiotics. He seems really healthy 1000g at 5-6 months, lively eating well. They all have a good diet and have haybox hay, limited pellets, fresh grass (apart from recently with the weather) They mainly have daily vegetables and not fruit with limited calcium veg such as Parsley. The two new arrivals I can understand having antibiotics and Bear as she does have a very occasional cough/hiccupping sound but otherwise is healthy. Tempted to take Winston off as he's been on so many antibiotics before when he has his infection for Neutering but maybe it's worth it as a precaution and won't do him any harm I guess although he hates the medicine. Thank you for your time ☺
Definitely don’t stop Winston’s meds - stopping prematurely allows for the bacteria to take off again and can lead to resistance to the medication