Tonight’s dinner

So they need bigger hay bowls? I guess mine are legitimately hungry. Geeze...But they've all gained nearly a quarter pound by my estimation since I they came under my care, so I don't think they are starving....

But peas have more carbs than carrots do... and what do you mean nuggets? like chicken nuggets? and can I give them pecans?
Guinea pigs are grazing animals, so evolved to spend many hours a day eating grass. The majority of their diet therefore needs to be grass hay (not alfalfa) and/or fresh grass in order to keep their teeth worn down ( which constantly grow) and GI tract working smoothly. It is hard to extract calories and nutrients from grass but guinea pigs have evolved to do just that which means they can quickly become overweight if fed not enough hay and too much other food.
Your piggies are definitely not starving, it is more that the balance of their diet is not as it should be which could lead to problems down the line.

Everyone on here will feed their pigs slightly differently but we all make sure hay is the main part of the diet and available at all times

It is common in the UK to feed pea flakes as a treat by hand but yes, they are high in carbs so should not be a dietary staple. I give a few to my piggies once a week and feed carrot as part of their veg twice a week. Mine also only get nuggets/pellets twice a week. It is a case of looking at the guides and tweaking them to what works best for you.
Lots of it available all day. 😃

Mine get a very large handful in the morning and again in the evening. At lunchtime they get a small handful of special hay. They get peas and nuggets at tea time and veggies for brekkie and tea. Hardly any fruit or carrots.
By special hay do you mean marijuana!?!?!? Sorry not trying to imply a darn thing, but that does sound like something they’d call it over here now that it’s legal and I have no idea what you’re laws regulating that drug are.
You don’t feed hay by bowls - it should be just thrown in in huge piles and be constantly available.
Mine have their hay topped up a minimum of twice a day.

Their main diet is hay; not veg. Veg should be just one cup per day..

I think weepweeps means peaflakes which are a treat.

Nuggets are their pellets, which they can have one tablespoon of per day.

No you can’t give them pecans! No nuts or seeds

Long Term Balanced General And Special Needs Guinea Pig Diets
Edible And Forbidden Veg And Fruit List With Vitamin C Grading
Excuse my ignorance. Over here nuggets=fried protein, usually chicken or fish, unless very specifically specified otherwise…and many consider anything but chicken to be a cardinal sin punishable by an eternity in the tenth level of hell. The only other kind of nugget that is common is corn nuggets which are clumps of sugar saturated corn kernels double battered and deep fried and the. Smothered in powdered sugar. Delicious, but you can literally hear yourself getting fatter when eating them.
@fluffysal no I’m flipping serious. Now that marijuana is legalized in the states there are even special vets that only treat animals with the green stuff. You can literally roll up to a pot shop and be all, “can I get some Animal Larry for my self , oh, and an eight of alien wedding for my parakeet named Nigel .” And they won’t bat an eye so long as you got a prescription. Even regular pet stores are starting to carry cbd treats for arthritis and anxiety in dogs and cats…as it does not carry any form of legal regulation.
It's all illegal here except for a few cases of people getting prescription only medicinal but that's rare. I've watched LA guinea pig rescue on YouTube where they use CBD gel for just about everything.
Excuse my ignorance. Over here nuggets=fried protein, usually chicken or fish, unless very specifically specified otherwise…and many consider anything but chicken to be a cardinal sin punishable by an eternity in the tenth level of hell. The only other kind of nugget that is common is corn nuggets which are clumps of sugar saturated corn kernels double battered and deep fried and the. Smothered in powdered sugar. Delicious, but you can literally hear yourself getting fatter when eating them.
Yum. Them corn nuggets sound delicious.
By special hay do you mean marijuana!?!?!? Sorry not trying to imply a darn thing, but that does sound like something they’d call it over here now that it’s legal and I have no idea what your laws regulating that drug are.
The way they jump on their “special hay” and then crash out after in a happy sleep maybe it is piggy hash 🤣