Tofu and Patches!


Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 25, 2021
Reaction score
Nottingham, UK
Now that the boys are firm friends after all day in the bonding pen yesterday, I thought I’d start them an official thread so I don’t keep clogging up the bonding section ☺️ they’ve continued to get along well, I came down this morning to find them sharing a paper bag full of hay (with minimal bickering over who got to sit where)

Patches really loves his pellets, it’s the one thing (besides pea flakes) he’ll snatch straight from my hands 😍 he was climbing the bars for them as soon as I came downstairs this morning

Tofu has a little bit of ‘grumpy old man’ energy - he’s two years older than Patches (best guess) and I think he’s still adjusting to Patches’ higher energy levels. They’re both popcorning and zooming around the cage together which is a delight, but sometimes Tofu gets a bit fed up and goes for a nap alone - young’uns these days 😂

Patches is continuing his veg discovery journey. I’m trying to find his favourites, as he has very different taste to Tofu, and I’m not sure how familiar he is with veggies due to his not-fantastic background before the rescue found him (putting it lightly). So far he enjoys cucumber, green beans, and carrots the most and he isn’t a fan of coriander and parsley - all the more for Tofu! (Though those won’t all be daily veg of course)

They both adore a hay pile and have been tunnelling all day, the lovely boys 😍

I am thrilled with how well it’s gone - and finally taking a breather from the stress of the last couple of weeks! It’s been a chaotic time but now we’re all settling in, it’s so worth it. My anxiety is gone now I can see how much happier Tofu is with company

Patches had such a rough start in life, I intend to make the rest of his days the best they possibly can be. He’s a delight, a confident little laid back chap who has very quickly learned that humans = food haha

Here they are napping together - Tofu fully melted into his spot ❤️


And here’s my sock progress, most of which I knitted while supervising the bonding yesterday! 😂

Patches came out for a cuddle tonight after Tofu’s evening eye drops, as his back feet have gone a bit pink - which can happen after the bumblefoot he came to the rescue with, poor little mite. So he got a special foot treatment with evening veggies 😊 His nose has healed up perfectly, no mark left at all! (He had a sore spot after a previous failed bonding)

My partner and I were delighted when he took a stroll across both our laps to explore the sofa 😊

He also added spring greens to the list of favourite veg, which Tofu graciously shared with him

Oh my goodness mee this makes me so happy to see! I'm so glad everything has worked out so well for Sidney/Patches, he really does deserve his happy forever home!
We had some paw balm to give you for his feet but totally forgot, sorry! 🤦😂
They are really gorgeous together - a match meant to be I think!

Oh my goodness mee this makes me so happy to see! I'm so glad everything has worked out so well for Sidney/Patches, he really does deserve his happy forever home!
We had some paw balm to give you for his feet but totally forgot, sorry! 🤦😂

Aw don’t worry at all honestly, Amy told me which balm so I got some in for him ☺️ he is such a delight, and they’re both so much happier now they have company and can snuggle up together

They shared a paper bag this morning 😍 I was spot cleaning and Patches was a bit spooked by the dustpan, so he sought refuge in the same hay pile as Tofu. Tofu didn’t kick him out for once! So they were cuddled up together while I cleaned around them haha

Tofu is in here too I promise!


Tofu hasn’t yet taught Patches his nasty habit of munching on the plastic bin bag. I hope it stays that way 😂

And here they are enjoying the rest of breakfast. Patches has well and truly made himself at home

Patches has found his voice! Much wheeking from them both for veggies tonight - and he’s developing a taste for coriander, probably because Tofu wolfs it down and activates his ‘I want what you have’ piggie instincts

Here he is demonstrating the piggie equivalent of banging his fists on the table demanding food 😂😍

We’ve got into a good evening routine of lap time for eye drops (Tofu) and foot balm (Patches) with veggies - they love shoving their noses in the bowl while I do what I need to haha

Patches clambers straight onto my partner now! It’s adorable, especially as partner didn’t know anything about piggies until meeting mine and is now thoroughly indoctrinated into the world of guinea pigs 😍

In less delightful news, Tofu had what I think is the beginning of impaction tonight. I cleared it out for him and will check him again in the morning. He has a vet checkup for his eyes in a few days anyway so I’ll see if they can look him over at the same time. Gotta love boars 😅❤️

Here’s Patches having a fully melted nap, right before demanding pellets this morning
